Safe place

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Mina is readers girlfriend

TW: PTSD, flashback, yelling, abuse, sh

10:24 pm

Mina was supposed to be home 4 hours ago, yet she hasn't called or texted. I know that her company is debuting many new products in a few weeks and right now is very stressful, but a simple "I'll be home late" text would've been nice. The dinner I spent 2 hours making is now in containers in the fridge, and the bubble bath I ran for her is cold. I wrapped myself up in bed and softly cried into my pillow. Every night this week she has come home later and later. It's painful laying here not knowing if she'll even come home. I checked my phone one last time, seeing the selfie we took on one of our trips, where she's kissing my cheek and I'm smiling like a kid in a candy store. Seeing no notifications, I turned it off and drifted to sleep.

2:08 am

I woke up to the sound of the front door closing, and a cane smacking the hardwood floor. I rolled over and faced the wall so that she wouldn't see the tears gliding down my face. She came into the room quietly and started getting ready for bed.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming home late?" It came out as a whisper, but loud enough that she would hear it.

"Because I didn't know." Her voice was straight and plain

I sat up to look at her as she sat down in our bed. "You could've told me at 6 that you were staying longer."

"Y/N I ALREADY SAID THAT I DIDN'T KNOW" She yelled and raised her arms

I panicked and ran into our bathroom, locking the door and curling up in a ball in the bathtub, facing the door.


"you're so worthless." She pushed me to the ground.










Each kick was harder than the last.

She grabbed me by my hair and threw me into the wall. She crouched down and punched me across the face, before slapping me and leaving.

I knew that she was drunk; She always was. but it had never gotten this bad. Every time it happened, I thought it would be the last time.

'she just had a bad day, it's not a big deal'.

But, I loved her. She was my fiance and I kept thinking this would all pass, but it only got worse.

I crawled across the floor and reached my phone. Dialing 911, I told them everything. They took me to the hospital and the cops tracked her down and arrested her.

I slowly rocked back and forth with my eyes screwed shut and my hand clawing at my arm, ripping my skin apart.

Mina's pov:

"Y/N I ALREADY SAID THAT I DIDN'T KNOW" I yelled and raised my arms

They got up and ran to the bathroom, slamming and locking the door. I knew better than to yell at them. There was absolutely no valid reason for my outburst. A few months into our relationship, they slowly started opening up about their past; but most importantly, their abusive ex. They were diagnosed with ptsd before we met, but in the span of our 2 year relationship I have never seen them have an episode.

I had no idea what to do so I got up and walked to the door and knocked.

"Honey I'm sorry. Can you open the door so we can talk?"

No answer.

"Baby please say something so that I know you're okay."

Nothing. I knew about their history with self harm, and I was terrified right now.

"Baby I'm kicking the door open in 5 seconds if you don't answer.

1... nothing
2... nothing
3... nothing
4... nothing
5... nothing

I used my cane to break the lock and walked in, shocked by what I saw. My sweet baby curled up in a ball in the bathtub, violently rocking back and forth while clawing at their arm causing it to bleed. I walked over and tried speaking to them, but they were stuck in a trance.

"Little one please look at me." They didn't even blink. I grabbed their hand to try and get them to stop scratching, only for them to start flailing around.

"I'M SORRY PLEASE STOP KICKING ME I'LL DO BETTER I PROMISE" their screams ripped my heart in half.

"Baby listen to my voice. It's me little one. It's Mina. I promise you're safe. Come back to me."

They slowly stopped rocking and clawing, and started looking around confused and scared.


"Yes sweetheart, it's me."

They looked at their arms and saw the blood dripping down, and gave me a terrified look.

"It's okay little one. Come sit on the counter and I'll clean them."

They did as told. I grabbed the first aid kit and got to work. After their arm was cleaned, we walked back into our bedroom and got into bed.

"Honey?" I asked

"Yeah?" They replied, still looking at the ceiling.

"Look at me please little one."

They looked over at me with tears in their eyes. "I'm so sorry baby. I didn't mean to scare you. I was just stressed and tired and I should've never taken it out on you. I would NEVER hurt you little one."

They gave me a smile and hugged me tightly. "I know Mina. You're my safe place. You would never do anything to endanger me."

"I love you so much."

"I love you more, now let's get some sleep. I'm taking the rest of the week off."

"But Mina, what about work?"

"You're far more important to me." I kissed their forehead and held them close to me, as we drifted off to sleep.

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