Out like a light

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Ally Mayfair-Richards

Ally is readers girlfriend

TW: Panic attack, overworking, exhaustion, sleep deprivation, forgetting to eat, medication

Ally helps reader through a panic attack after they get too stressed about work

Italics are readers thoughts

Whole thing is in readers POV :)

I didn't even notice that I was crying until I saw 3 wet dots on the paper I had just printed. After all of the hard work in law school, I knew this job wouldn't be easy; but I never thought that I would be staying awake for over 2 days and barely nourishing my body. Coffee mugs liter my desk along with at least 100 documents and folders. Don't get me wrong, I love this job. It's always been my dream to be a lawyer and help people. When my coworker Maria was preparing for maternity leave, I felt bad for her clients that would have to find a new lawyer when they're already going through so much, so I offered to take on her clients. Working from home has made things a bit easier and I thought that I could handle it all, but there were so many between the both of us. As I was reading through one of Maria's clients files, a knock on the door averted my gaze, "come in". Ally came in with a glass of water and my anxiety pills and set them down next to my laptop. She kissed my lips and I could tell that she had already brushed her teeth and was ready for bed.

"Are you coming to bed? I didn't feel you slip in last night and you were already in here when I woke up".

"I'm almost done for the night so I'll be in in a little bit."

She hummed in approval and kissed my forehead and then walked out. I immediately returned to work, reading over the file 5 more times and then typing up different approaches to this case. I was so lost in my research that I didn't hear a knock on my office door followed by soft footsteps. 2 hands massaging my shoulders and a kiss on cheek broke me out of my trance. I looked over at the clock that read 1:42 am. Shit. I told Ally I was coming to bed 3 hours ago.



"Why are you still up? And why didn't you take your meds earlier?"

Shit. I completely forgot. "I'm sorry. I just got so caught up in work"

She softly took my jaw in her hand and stared into my eyes. "How long have you been awake? Please don't lie"

Tears started forming again as I mumbled "2 days I think"

Her already worried face added a look of concern. "Come on. We're going to bed. And you're taking tomorrow off to recover."

"Ally I can't. I have to finish all of this."

"You can finish it after you've slept." She looked over at my laptop to see what I was working on as she walked in, and said "I'm not a lawyer but none of this makes sense. It's all just random letters smacked together."

Reading the screen, I realized she was right. I took my arm and swiped all of the papers and files off my desk, and flung myself into her arms. She caught me and brought both of our bodies to the floor where she pulled me into her lap and cradled my head. I immediately broke into sobs, unable to breathe.

Ally was quick to soothe me, rubbing her hand along my back and pulling my head tightly to her chest. "Shh it's okay. Just breathe."

"I.. I.. I c-an't"

"Yes you can. Listen to my heartbeat. Breathe in for 4 seconds... hold for 4 seconds... breathe out for 4 seconds." She stroked my hair and my breathing returned to normal. My sobs became sniffles and tears.

"I can't do this Ally there's so much"

"You can do it honey. You just need to give your mind and body a break"

"I'm so tired"

"I know you are. Do you think you can walk to bed?"

I stood up but my legs gave out because my body was too weak. Ally caught me and picked me up bridal style, carrying me to our kitchen and setting me down in a chair. She fixed me a bowl of cereal and held me while I ate it. After that, she carried me upstairs to the bathroom so that I could pee and brush my teeth, and then to the bed. She left the room, but quickly came back with the glass of water and pill from my office. She handed them to me as she got into bed, immediately pulling me close as soon as I was finished.

"You aren't taking on any new clients. When these are finished, we're taking a vacation"

"Okay Ally. Thank you so much. I love you."

"I love you too my angel."

And with that, I was out like a light.

Not proofread because I'm exhausted so I hope it doesn't suck. Hope you guys are doing well! I love youuu <3

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