Beautiful- Cordelia

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TW: Eating disorder, low body weight, fainting

Cordelia is readers mother

Readers pov:

My spot at the dinner table was always empty. Everyday I had a new excuse as to why my chair wouldn't be filled; I wasn't hungry, I didn't feel well, I even lied to my mom and told her that I was in a relationship and was going out with them for dinner just so that I could run off the calories that weren't even in my body.

My life was one big routine:
-Sleep through breakfast
-Scroll on my phone through lunch
-Make up some dumb excuse to get out of eating dinner
-Go to sleep

Yet somehow everyone bought it and never asked questions. I felt like I was invisible, even to my mother. My mom is the sweetest woman you would ever meet. She shows love to everyone regardless as to who they are and what they have done. She takes in young witches and gives them safety and serenity. But all of this comes with downfalls. When I was little, we would do everything together. She would take me with her wherever she would go; we were inseperable. But now it feels like she never has time for me.

I started "dieting" 2 years ago. I started skipping breakfast, then lunch, then snacks. Now I only eat 500 calories everyday at most, and burn them off before the sun even sets for the day. I live in sweats so that no one notices how small I am, yet i'm not small enough.

Cordelias pov:

"Have any of you seen y/n today?" I asked the girls, who were huddled up in library watching a movie after their long day of classes. It was almost 6pm, dinner time, and y/n hasn't come down to give me their big excuse as to why they aren't having dinner with us. I know that there is something going on, I just don't know how to approach it.

Zoe replied saying, "No I haven't. I don't think I saw them in class today either. Do you want me to go to their room and see if they are alright?"

"No Zoe, thank you. I'll check".

I ran up the stairs and softly knocked on their bedroom door. I heard slight panting from inside, yet no answer. I opened the door and saw my sweet baby struggling to do what must've been their 1,000th sit up.

With sweat dripping off their head, we made eye contact and they quickly stood up. Too quick. I ran over just as they started to faint, and I caught their frail body in my arms.

"Baby wake up. It's okay, you're okay". Nothing. "ZOE PLEASE COME QUICK" I had no idea what to do. In shorts and a sports bra, I saw that all of their bones were popping out.

Zoe came running in and gasped at what she saw. My tiny child laying lifeless in my arms. She quickly ran to the bathroom and prepared a wet rag and put it on their head. "I'll go grab a glass of water. They'll be okay Cordelia."

I felt y/n tremble and shoot up out of my arms as if nothing happened.

"No no baby come back here come lay down". I stood up and helped them over to their bed. I crawled in next to them and held them as tears streamed down both of our faces.

"I'm sorry mom. I never meant for it to get this bad. I just wanted to be beautiful." I physically felt my heart break.

"My love you already are the most beautiful person I have ever met. Both inside and out. I'm so incredibly sorry that I've been too busy to notice what's been going on with you. How about we go see a doctor and get you to where you are healthy and feel beautiful?" I internally begged them to say yes and not try to fight me.

"Okay mom, thank you. This isn't your fault, it's mine."

kk sorry that lowkey sucked. idek if zoe ever came back with the water. lets just assume that she did.

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