Truth or Dare

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The redhead tapped her fingers on her chin feigning to think. "Do you have a crush on someone?"

They were all interested of course, Y/N wasn't the type to fall for a person.

"I do."

A series of gasp were heard among the group seated in a circle, Ginny excitedly asked "Who!".

"One question per truth little Weasley," Y/N answered with a small smirk. Groans erupting from a handful of people around them, others were snickering.

Too caught up in their own individual reactions that they failed to notice the way Y/N gave Hermione a short glance, their eyes connecting before Y/N looked away trying to seem nonchalant.

Hermione had to act a fool, desperately trying to ignore how her heart started to beat faster and the way the tips of her ears seemed to have heated up.

They were using a bottle to spin and choose people, but enchanted so it wouldn't repeat a turn unless all the others were already done. And soon enough, it was Hermione's turn.

"SO, GRANGER—" Fred was cut off by Ginny shoving his face to the side.

"I'M ASKING THE QUESTIONS," she screeched to her brother who immediately shut up with a terrified look bubbling beneath his eyes.

Everyone laughed at the way Ginny triumphantly flipped her hair,

"So, 'Mione." She shifted closer to her, the bushy-haired girl feeling slightly tense as to what Ginny might want from her.

"Truth," She flatly stated.

"Haven't even asked the question yet but very well," the girl giggled. "Rumor has it, little miss 'I don't have time for silly things like dating' has a crush right now..." Everyone 'OOOHH'-ed.

Hermione felt her hands start to get clammy,

"Care to tell us who?" Ginny had a smile resembling one of the Cheshire cat, Fred and George high-fiving from behind her.

The prefect was stuttering, and everyone could see the tinge of pink that was starting to blossom on her cheeks. Y/N unknowingly bit her lip in anticipation, leaning a bit too forward than the others.

"It's no one—" she tried.

"It's obviously someone Granger! If you could see the look on your face, a blatant lie!" Fred asserted,

"Yeah you can't stutter and be all nerve-wracky if you were confident it was no one!" George seconded.

A slow chant of 'Who's it' started and Hermione's palms grew sweatier.

"It's just another Gryffindor! Now would you all stop!" She exclaimed, her face as red as her tie. Ginny tsked, the mischievous grin planted on her face only continuing to grow. She shared a glance with the Weasley twins who shifted a subtle glance to Y/N,

The youngest Weasley folded her hands to rest on her knees. "We'll take it, but watch your back Granger. Next!"

The unsuspecting bespectacled boy was startled when the bottle they were spinning pointed at him. He sheepishly pushed his glasses back up as Ginny spoke the famous question. "Dare," he answered. The boys and Y/N cheered,

Ginny smirked. "I'm sorry about this honey, but now you have to play the rest of the game with your glasses off."

"What?? No fair I won't be able to see!"

"That's the point!" Ginny laughed. "Next!" The rest shouted at him, the boy defeatedly having to put his glasses down, Y/N patting him on the back with a giggle. Their turns went in a circle, so on and so forth.

And before it was Hermione's turn again, Ron had to shove ice down his underwear, Fred had to inhale Ron's most putrid perfume, George had to do 20 push-ups with all his siblings, and Y/N, piled onto him — he only made it to 4—, Y/N had to shove her head in a laundry basket filled with Harry's used quidditch uniforms, Ginny had to do the same thing but with her brother's used clothes— she almost, almost threw up— Luna had to eat something spicy, and Neville removed Ron's in-grown, until finally,

Ginny, who had just recovered from nearly fainting, was back at it again with a smirk filled with nothing but mischief.

"Any dare." The glint behind her eyes almost made most of them shiver, but Hermione brought faux confidence to not let Ginny have all the satisfaction. "Bring it," the bushy-haired girl replied. Ginny only seemed all the more amused,

"I dare you to kiss who you think is the prettiest girl in the room."

Hermione held in a breath, but she realized the way everyone in the room was staring at her like she was prey that she didn't have any way to escape this. So she swallowed what remained of pride and stood up, awkwardly shuffling to the other side of the circle where she stopped in front of one person.


Her cheeks were burning up and she couldn't bring herself to look Y/N in the eyes. Y/N however was waiting for it, she wanted the bushy-haired girl to look at her. Just one glance, and she'd let her know how she felt. But Hermione found more interest on the the pair of socks Y/N wore them that as she knelt her eyes were glued onto its fabric.

She heaved a shaky sigh, and her eyes finally bore into Y/N's, sweat building up on her forehead. Both of their heart rates continued ascending. Hermione reached a trembling hand out, gently coming in contact with Y/N's red cheeks. At this distance she could easily hear Y/N's heavy breathing, and easily noticed how her eyes kept darting around her face, she could only hope it was a good thing.

With one more gulp she leaned in. Y/N was waiting for the impact but she realized that it was only Hermione's breath hitting her lips, she'd stopped short.

Their friends were all cheering and 'whoop'-ing and yelling out all sorts of encouragement, Ginny was yelling lighthearted threats. But Hermione couldn't hear them from all the noise that was circling around in her mind, building her anxiety in towers she couldn't break down. Her eyes were trained to the ground, eyebrows furrowed, and a shimmer of frustration behind her chocolate eyes.

She was about to back out, leave the room, and never show her face to her friends ever again, she was ready for it. But a warm hand brought her back to the present, and for Hermione it's like the commotion behind them died down and all she could hear was a gentle, "It's okay," accompanied by the warm smile that always drew her in.

And this time, it wasn't the warm smile that literally drew her in. Y/N moved her head by just a few, finally closing the distance between them. Their friends erupted into an even louder commotion, but Hermione was too busy to care. Her lips fit perfectly against Y/N, and it was soft just liked she imagined. She took note of every detail, the way Y/N's tender lips embraced her own, how they moved in sync, Y/N's thumb caressing her cheek, the ends of her lips turning upwards as did Y/N's.

After they pulled away Hermione turned her head to see Ginny strangling Fred by the neck out of excitement. The boy was concerningly blue but he managed to send them a thumbs-up, all the others were either laughing or babbling nonsense she couldn't decipher.

Once Ginny had enough mercy and dropped Fred to the ground she put on a fraud smile of disappointment, her hands on her hips pretending to wonder. "Gee, it's such a shame you didn't kiss the person you like, maybe next time I suppose once we figure out who they are."

Hermione rolled her eyes and turned back to Y/N, fisting her collar she said. "Oh what the heck." And smashed the lips back together. Y/N matching her intensity, snaking her arms to hold her by the waist instead.

Y/N breathed out an, "I like you too," in-between kisses, feeling Hermione smile against it.

The two almost had to be pulled apart so the game could continue, all of them had a hearty laugh.

"Honestly, would you two get a bloody room, it was a huge mistake sitting next to Y/N," Harry complained. The two joined in on the laughter even if it made their cheeks grow even hotter.

To Ginny's relief, they all settled down for a bit and the game took place once more. This time although, instead of sitting so far apart, they sat beside each other, fingers gingerly touching, cheeks as red as their friends' hair, and hearts beating as one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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