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"So, say I like Ginny. What will you think?"

Ron, who was stuffing his face with jellybeans stopped his chewing and looked at Hermione with a baffled look. "Well I don't really care, shouldn't you be more worried of what Ginny feels."

"No— well, yes Ronald but if, I liked Ginny. How would you feel?"

"People have liked Ginny before, I'll feel the same as long as you don't devour each others faces in front of me,"

"Okay no that's disgusting Ronald," she sighed. "I shouldn't have asked you." She grabbed her satchel from the common room's sofa and was about to head out, leaving an even more confused Ron to his jellybeans.

A few minutes of walking led her to the courtyard, where thankfully the people she was looking for were. Showing the younger years their newest product,

"Fred, can I borrow you for a moment," she asked.

"Better give him right back 'Mione, time is gold after all," George joked while Hermione led Fred a bit farther away from the crowd to somewhere more quiet.

Fred was awfully and oddly silent but he didn't look upset, "What did you need?"

"I won't be bothering you for too long, I just have a question." She continued when Fred nodded, "Let's say I liked George, uhm.. why are you looking at me like that."

Indeed Fred had a teasing smile on his face but he dismissed her reaction with a wave, "Nothing nothing. Just an interesting start that's all,"

Hermione groaned, "Anyway, as his twin, how would you feel about that?"

Fred feigned a thinking face and looked around, his hand under his chin. Humming to himself he said, "Well as his twin, and you Hermione Jean Granger liked him, which is already odd at that,"

He took a pause to laugh at the way Hermione was glaring at him. "It would be fine with me as long as your intentions are true, I already know who you are and how you are so as long as you don't hurt my beloved twin brother then you have my blessing."

At that, Hermione's eyes lit up and she felt relief wash over her. "You mean it?"


George walked towards them after the crowd they had earlier was left tinkering with the product, "Aye I thought it wouldn't take too long," he said as he slung an arm around Fred's shoulders.

"Don't worry mate I think we're done here,"

Just as they were about to leave they saw Harry and Y/N approaching them as well, Y/N's robe was missing once again and she had the same dorky expression she always had after she committed a prank.

"Hello twins, 'Mione." she greeted, Harry waving at the three from behind her.

"Hey George," Fred said. Hermione's head immediately snapping towards him with wide eyes.

Thankfully Y/N didn't get the joke and instead scrunched her eyebrows upwards and laughed. "Is that how it is now? In that case hey Harry, a fourth year's asking about your product," she told him. Fred looking at his brother and the boy immediately running back to the group of people in the middle of the courtyard,

Harry looked at Hermione after she discreetly pinched Fred's arm. "What're you doing here Hermione?"

The Potter twins failed to notice how Hermione's cheeks seemed to go redder,

"I guess I'll leave you three to your business," Fred sniggered. Walking back to where George was with a quick thumbs-up directed to Hermione, that she hoped to Merlin the other two didn't see.

Hermione Granger x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now