I really like you

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Y/N L/N was a prat. An overconfident prat. Or at least that was what Ronald Weasley would always say whenever she was near them, but she'd argue that her Slytherin best friend Draco Malfoy was even more of a prat.

Truth was Y/N just enjoyed teasing the youngest male redhead of the Weasley family whenever they were hanging out. She can get a bit confident, that's something no one could deny especially during their quidditch games whenever she scores. Ah yes, Y/N L/N, a people person and also a people favorite, always had girls and boys tripping just to hand her a flower. She didn't like any of them but she wanted to be nice so she'd take it with a polite 'Thank you'.

She hung out often with Ron, Harry, and Hermione, the four being great friends since they met each other on the train at their 1st year, well Harry, her and Ron did. Hermione came around a little while later after the troll incident. Harry was like a brother to her, Ron was, well he was something was what she'd say, rumors sometimes get out that she's dating one of them. But majority of the students and teachers at Hogwarts knew who she really was smitten with. She didn't really give an effort to hide it,

Hermione Granger. That girl was like her sun, bright, radiant, fills her days with sunshine and energy to get through the day. But she could also be her moon, someone she found so beautiful and hard to reach sometimes, someone she'd often be found staring at. She'd probably gather all the stars there is in the entire galaxy and still say it wasn't enough of a gift to be given to Hermione Jean Granger.

People rarely saw one without the other, they were best friends after all. Attached to the hip as Mrs. Weasley would say, really affectionate too, small hugs to holding hands whenever they feel excited over something. They didn't hesitate to tell each other anything, always knowing what the other was feeling. And that was probably what made Y/N's feelings for her grow even more,

Harry and Ron chose not to say anything whenever they found her looking at Hermione like she's never seen anything so beautiful, Ginny would snicker whenever she saw her stumbling over words when she's talking to Hermione. Y/N didn't just stutter, she had too much pride for that. But when it comes to Hermione, it feels like the personality she's become accustomed to all comes crumbling down.

Unfortunately for her, she always gets rejected, for a reason she didn't really know. They've been best friends for years but as they grew up it felt like Hermione was getting more and more annoyed of Y/N's feelings and how she often expressed it. Normally she'd just shrug her off when she gives her a compliment, or playfully roll her eyes, nothing too bad really. But the past month felt a little different,

Y/N already got used to each rejection, but now it felt like their friendship was taking a toll on it too. She no longer sees Hermione cheering whenever she scores quaffles, nor does she snicker when Y/N says a spell wrong, it was as if Hermione no longer cared. But she shrugged it off as usual, her optimism really doing its hardest.

They were currently in a quidditch match against Slytherin, they were in the lead of course. Harry only had to find the snitch and the game was over. Sweat was dripping down Y/N's face as she zoomed past two opposing chasers to recline her arm and toss the quaffle with incredible force.

She scored once again.

The stands erupted into cheers, especially those who were clothed with red and gold. Y/N let out a cheer herself and raised a fist. She saw Draco roll his eyes a few meters away from her,

"Don't be bitter Dray, we all know I'm just that great," she said, flying past him and getting back into formation. "I'm not bitter!" she heard Draco shout from the back which made her laugh.

Gasps were then heard from around the pitch, Harry spotted the snitch. Draco recovered his energy and flew to where Harry was heading, both were neck in neck, hands outstretched and immense gushes of wind trailing by them.

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