Friends Instead

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Y/N and Hermione have been dating for almost a year now, and both couldn't be happier. They were known as Hogwarts' power couple, and most respected their relationship. Hermione was absolutely smitten with Y/N, and for weeks she's been pondering whether to tell her the three words already. Those three special words they haven't told each other yet.

Everything about Y/N just made her fall in love over and over again.

The way her eyes shone when talking about the things she liked, the way her hair flew with the wind, and her passion for the things she loved doing. Hermione was constantly in awe, you see, Y/N was a musician. Her family came from a long line of them so it was only natural that Y/N knows how to use an instrument the moment she lays her hands on it,

And don't get Hermione started on her voice, sounding so angelic and gentle, and holds every bit of emotion she wants to convey. It soothes her each time Y/N hums a melody, butterflies erupt in her stomach when she sings her her favorite songs.

One time Hermione asked her, "How do you know so many muggle songs?"

Y/N gave out a laugh, hugging her guitar close, "My cousin's a half-blood, she shows me muggle things whenever they visit."

But alas, Hermione's mouth seemed to shut close at every attempt. Her heart pounding against her chest when Y/N looks at her, expecting her to continue with whatever it was she was about to say. Hermione'd shrug it off saying it was nothing, frowning later on at the fear of rejection and the thought of Y/N not loving her back. So she kept on waiting,

Lately Y/N's been experimenting on writing her own songs, most of the time they were just snippets of tunes and lyrics Y/N thought of in the moment and of course the first person who'd get to hear them was Hermione. Y/N trusts her with her whole heart and doesn't feel uncomfortable with her listening to the 'yet to be perfect parts', but they were times where she felt shy. Especially if the song was for the brightest witch of her age.

If only the bushy-haired girl knew how much Y/N thought of her the same way she thought of Y/N. The girl was just trying to find the right time and the right way to say it as well.

So she confided in her best friend, good 'ol mr. Harry Potter about her worries. Although Harry couldn't really give Y/N that much of an advice she appreciated his attentive listening even though he had his own relationship problems with a certain Ravenclaw.

"What if I.. write her a song," Y/N mumbled to herself.

"You should! She really loves your singing it'd be a great way to express your feelings!" Harry exclaimed, grinning because they finally had a solid idea.

But Y/N scrunched her eyebrows, "Are you crazy Harry? I don't know how to write a song!"

"Well it's the perfect time to learn!"

Y/N groaned while Harry laughed at her, he knew she wanted it to be perfect. So he lifted his hand up to his chin and let the nuts and bolts in his brain work. "What about this.. what if you, practice writing a song."

Y/N blinked. Before her face scrunched up like she was about to cry, "Harry you're such a stupid git of course I have to," she groaned.

"No no no no!" Harry waved his arms frantically as he was trying to find the words to explain his idea, "Like, say just write about anything. Like imagine as if you aren't writing for Hermione yet so you can think more freely about it and.. stuff."

The girl scoffed and crossed her arms, "And what, pray tell, do you suggest I write about,"

"I.. I don't know maybe uhm, a break-up song," he said. Looking up at his best friend with his eyebrows raised, trying his very best to act like he didn't really mean anything from what he said.

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