||Chapter Nine||

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Time Skip To Sunday

I woke up in Vance's bed. I looked over at Vance spooning me. (CUDDLE WAY) All I did was hold his arms. Yesterday was quite the experience. God he's amazing. I wouldn't mind dating him at this point.

I started to feel his arms shift around, and then noticed he was awake. "Goodmorning." I smiled. He groaned and then turned over. Okay, maybe he wasn't fully awake. I shifted in his arms as I tried to escape his embrace. After some rapid movements I finally got out of his bed. Then I realized I didn't have any clothes. It wouldn't make sense if I just wore the dress after "running away". I looked outside the window waiting for Vance to get up, and noticed a poster on a light post. "MISSING" and it had my photo and name under it. It had all contact information, and information about me.

After just a day? I thought she would take atleats 3 weeks to try and find me. Guess I underestimated her.

I heard the bed creak, and saw Vance rubbing his eyes. He was sitting up and looked at me looking out the window. "Oh, goodmorning." He greeted me. "Vance." I looked out the window and back. "They already declared me as missing." Vance bolted up and walked to the window. He looked at the lamp post and saw the poster of me. "Guess your mom wasted her money." I gave Vance a look that screamed 'this isn't time to joke' and he immediatly stopped.

"Now she's going to kill me even more." I covered my face and Vance just tried comforting me by saying "Hey, if she only cared about the fact your gone, why would she say you're missing?" "You really need to phrase that better."

"What I mean is that if she was really that mad, would she spend all her money putting posters up to try and find you? If a parent was really that mad at their kid, they wouldn't want to look for them. But she already put all this up." I looked at Vance, then back at the poster. "I guess you're right. I just need clothes that show I ran away. I can't just go in my dress." Vance walked to his closet and grabbed another jacket. This time it was a jean jacket.

He also grabbed a pair of pants and told me to put it on. I gave him a weird look, but just said "I would like some privacy." Then he faced toward the body length mirror without me knowing. I took the jacket off, and the bottoms I was wearing. I put my underwear on, and put the jean jacket on. "Shit, I need a top." I turned around and saw Vance looking in the mirror. "You jerk!" I yelled and playfully punched him. "Oh come on, it was smart. I'll get you one." He went back to the closet and grabbed a black shirt. "Hopefully this stuff isn't too oversized."

I rolled my eyes and told him to face a different wall. "We made out yesterday, I don't see why I can't see you change." "Because, um." I couldn't respond to that. "See? So just let me watch." I just sighed and said fine. Vance leaned on the wall as he watched he change into his clothes. "God you're beautiful."

I could feel my face getting warm, but I tried to ignore it. I could feel his eyes on my entire body.

I managed to put the shirt and jean jacket on, which were a bit oversized. I tried putting the jeans on, but the immediatly fell. "Kind of guessed that would happen." Vance laughed. "You're such a bitch." I joked.

"I think I might just tell her the truth. I'll probably be in the same amount of trouble either way." Vance looked at my worried. "I just don't want her to hurt you too bad." "I'll be fine. Plus she could just be asleep when I get back. She usually always has hangovers." I smiled, and Vance just had the eyes of defeat. "Just no telling her about the hickeys and shit. I would get my shit rocked by your mom if she finds out." I laugh and put the dress on.

"You really do look wonderful in that." I went to put my shoes on, and Vance just grabbed my hand and kissed me. "Just a second to last one." I giggled and laced up my heels.

I followed Vance to his car, and thankfully it started. "Now, you're gonna have to help me find your house." I gave him my address, and he surprisingly found it without getting lost. He parked into the driveway and then gave me a kiss. "The last one. And I almost forgot. Here's my number." He grabbed a notepad from the back seat and wrote his number on it. "I'll be sure to call you later no matter what." I got out of the car and waved at him.

He backed out of the driveway, and drove off. I walked up to the door and picked the lock. I opened the door and found my mom on the phone. She turned her head to me and dropped the phone. She ran up to me and hugged me. "Holy shit. Y/N. I was so fucking worried. Where did you go? Did somebody hurt you? Is Ted Bundy still around. Oh Jesus please. Tell me you aren't hurt." She had never done this. I thought she would beat the shit out of me or scream, but this is her reaction? How the hell am I going to tell her I went out to a party. "It wasn't that, mom. I need to tell you what happened."

Me and my mom walked over to the couch and I held her hand while telling her everything. She didn't let go of my hand at all. I thought some alien had taken over my moms body at first. "And that's what happened. I didn't tell you about the party because I didn't want you to get mad at me for interrupting you and your boyfriends time together." She started tearing up. "I really should have treated you better. Now my own daughter is scared that I will get mad at her for her just wanting to talk to me. I'm so sorry sweetie. I really am. Will you forgive me?" Her words sank down to my stomach. I didn't know what to say. I never in my years of living would think that she would say this. I managed to utter out "I forgive you." and then she hugged me again. "I promise to show you more attention. I promise I'll let you out of the house more. I love you so much."

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