||Chapter Six||

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I may or may not revise chapter five because I rushed it. I'm not sure if I had made it too rushed, so please tell me if I should edit it! I'm also VERY sorry if there are any grammar mistakes in either of the chapters. Love you <3

My eyes slowly opened. They felt heavy, and then I smelled a heavy smell of cigarettes. VERY heavy. I started feeling a tight embrace around my stomach. I turned over and saw Vance. He was sleeping. His face looked so angelic, I wasn't sure if it was real. Wait, why the hell am I in the same bed as Vance HOPPER?!

Then it all hit me. Everything that happened the night before. The guy flirting with me by the pool, the black van, the bikini, the pocket knife, but only one part didn't come clearly. What did we do after we got into the bed? I remember us not sleeping right as we got in. I looked over at Vance again. There was red lipstick marks all along his collar bone and face. I felt my lips. Red lipstick. Did me and Vance?

No, we couldn't have. I swore to myself I wouldn't even sleep in the same house as him. Well, that promise was broken, but how did I makeout with him? Was I drunk? I don't remember ever drinking anything last night. Did we even fuck? I think I would remember if we fucked. Shit, do I have clothes on? He's shirtless. I felt around my body and realized I was dressed. I had an unzipped jacket on, and my bra was showing. I touched my collar bone and something stung. Like a bruise.

I managed to squeeze out of Vance's arms, and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and found hickeys on my collarbone and neck. Not many, but they showed. Very visable as well. I'm 100% sure we didn't fuck. But how could I not remember making out with him?

I heard the bed creak and looked to the bed. Vance was awake. "Oh shit, hey." He said trying not to look at me. I didn't even answer. I just kept looking in the mirror. I slowly started to remember everything. The making out, the hickeys, everything. "Um, I know what we did last night was random but I just couldn't help it. I guess I was caught in the moment. I'm sorry for the hickeys, I just. I don't know." He apologized while looking toward the ground.

"Hey, it's okay. I honestly kinda enjoyed it." I laughed. He smiled and then went into the bathroom with me. "Oh fuck. Shit. I never told my mom I was even coming." Vance was scrubbing as hard as he could to get the lipstick off his face as I freaked out. Vance replied with "Oh come on, I'm sure she won't be that mad. Just tell her everything. Maybe not the hickey and shit, but just about the party. She might understand." He doesn't understand. "You don't fucking understand. She will ground me for life if she finds out. I can just pretend I went missing or something. No big deal." I tried laughing it off, but that didn't even help me.

"Well, if you're going to pretend you were kidnapped, how about you stay at my place till you think it's safe to go back? You also don't have to lie that you were kidnapped. You could just say you ran away because you were tired of homelife, so you wanted to get away. Just relax." He played with my hair while he was scrubbing off the last few marks. "I could try that. But I'm sure she will still murder me for it." we both laughed, then started staring at eachother. "I was admiring you after you fell asleep. You obviously slept first, but I fell asleep shortly after. Your just too damn beautiful." He kept a straight face, but in his eyes looked like stars almost. "Once I woke up all I did was admire your face." I smiled.

We stared at eachother for a second, then turned away quickly. "I can't walk around like this. No way." I sighed. "I'm sure Miss Charles has some concealer." He dug around in the bathroom till he found a small tube. "Take the jacket off." "But it's only on my neck and collarbone?" He started looking at me kind of guilty. "Well shit." I took the jacket off and looked in the mirror. There were hickeys on my sides, some red marks on my shoulders, and even some on my upper thighs and lower thighs. "Jesus, you really fucked me up." I giggled. "Now hold still." "You know you need a beauty blender, right?" We made awkward eye contact, then he rummaged around more.

After what seemed like forever, he held a blender in his hand. "Now hold still."

I sat on the counter as he put multiple layers of concealer on each hickey. It was all feeling pretty normal till he got to my thighs. "This might feel even more cold." He looked up at me from my thighs and I let out a long breath. After just one layer of concealer I covered my mouth. The cold sensation sent shivers down my spine. "We did enough moaning last night, no need for more." he said quiet blankly. I really hope nobody else heard that.

Vance finished up covering my hickeys and said "All done." and got up. I got up as well and looked in the mirror. Everything looked normal. "You're really good at this." "Not the only thing I'm good at." he boasted, but I just playingly hit his shoulder. "Shit, that reminds me." he rushed back to the bed and looked around. He kept looking around till he grabbed something. "Car keys. We don't have to walk at all." He smirked.

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