A New Reign

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When we return to the plantation house, Elijah, Gwen, and Rebekah are waiting for us. Klaus pulls Rebekah and Gwen away while I'm left with Elijah. He walks towards the backyard, me following. When we step out onto the porch, Elijah closes the door behind me.

"Do I even need to ask what happened," he asks without looking at me.

"Do you really want to know," I ask him.

He sighs, "So this is it? This is how you end whatever it is we had."

"You ended our relationship the moment you said you didn't trust me," I snap, "I did what I needed to do to be happy. This was never going to work and you know it. We're opposites Elijah. You hold back from killing whereas I thrive on it." Elijah looks to the ground and says nothing. "I do love you Elijah," I say, "but not once have you said that back. When I went missing, you didn't look for me even though you said you'd move Heaven and Hell to find me. I can't be with a person who can't follow through with their promises nor will I be with a person like that."

"So being with Niklaus is better," Elijah asks, not looking at me.

"If there's one thing about Klaus that I can count on, it's that he will always follow through with always and forever," I answer, "our child and I are now incorporated into that deal. Klaus and I are planning to take back New Orleans from Marcel. We're going make this city safe so that by the time our daughter is born, she'll have a safe place to live. I know that I can't take New Orleans without killing a few people and being with you will just complicate things even further."

"So I'm a complication," Elijah says.

"Please stop Elijah," I beg him, "I've already made up my mind. This is how it's supposed to be. I can't help how I feel. I'm so sorry that I let it continue for so long."

Elijah sighs and looks at me, "I promised you that I would protect you and I will. I do not break my word, but do not think for a second that I'll be waiting for you the moment my brother leaves you." Elijah walks back into the house and I sigh. I guess I had kind of hoped that Elijah knew we weren't going to work, but I was wrong. When I told Elijah that I loved him, it wasn't a lie. I just love Klaus more. I always have. Even when I was still in Mystic Falls, I loved him. The bond that we share is one that cannot be replicated. I walk back into the house to find that Elijah, Gwen, and Rebekah are gone. Klaus is waiting for me in the kitchen with the bible that I brought back from the bayou.

"Elijah seemed rather distraught when he walked out," Klaus says as I sit down, "any idea why?"

"I told him," I tell him, "It's official, we're done." Klaus smiles and I look down at the bible. "This doesn't make any sense," I tell him, "how could my mother be in this bible?"

"She must be the reason that you have that birthmark," Klaus says, "Only Crescents have that birthmark which means your mother was a crescent."

"But if that's true, then why did my mother live in Portland, Maine," I ask, "it doesn't make sense." I sigh and look at the clock; it's already 3:30. If I'm gonna do what I'm thinking of doing then I better do it now. "I think I'm gonna go back to the bayou," I say.

"Why," Klaus asks.

"I want to look around and see what else I can find," I answer, "there has to be something there that can tell me why my mother's name is in that book."

Klaus sighs and nods his head, "do hurry back. Marcel is catching on to us and he has one of the daggers."

"How did he even get a hold of it," I ask.

"I don't know," he answers, "but I'm getting it back."

"I'll be back before dark," I assure him as I walk towards the door, bible in hand.

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