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She stares at me in confusion. “Okayyy... but if you tell me you’ve got a girlfriend, I’m going to punch you in the face! I’m just warning you.”

      “No! That’s not it at all! Come on, let’s sit down.” I tug at her hand and move to sit on the swinging chairs. She sinks down next to me. I can’t stop now. There’s no looking back. “Uh... I know this is gonna sound bizarre. I don’t even know why I’m telling you, but something’s driving me to.”

      She doesn’t say a word. I pull my feet up on the cushion and wrap my hands under my knees because they’re trembling so much.

      “I’m not from this time,” I tell her. “I’m like... a time traveler, sort of. Except that I do it through photos.”

      I stop and wait for some response from her, but she remains silent. I replay what I just said in my mind and figure she probably thinks I’m crazy—but instead she erupts in laughter. “How much did you drink? You are funny!”

      I stand up. “I’m not lying. I can prove it to you.”

      “Fine!” she teases. “Then prove it, time traveler.”

       I reach into my back pocket and pull out the other two photos I have of her. “Here. I bet you can’t remember these moments. You haven’t taken these yet. They’re from the future.

      She stares at them blankly. She obviously doesn’t know what to say.

      “I told you I wasn’t lying,” I say.

      “I don’t understand... how is this even possible?”

      I was worried that she would feel scared or threatened, but she seems more curious than anything. Still, I have to say it anyway.

      “Don’t be scared! I’m not a witch, or some weirdo. It’s not black magic. And I haven’t put a curse or spell on you,” I grin. “It’s something in my family. We’re photo travelers. We can travel through photos. That’s pretty much it. Oh, except that when we travel, our eyes turn purple.”

      She moves from the chair and then walks towards the window. I can see that she’s still having trouble understanding what I’m trying to tell her.

      “So, you’re telling me you come from the future? I’m so confused.”

      I try grabbing her hand but she pulls it away. “This sounds so weird—but yea, I come from the future. I found an old photo of you and something about you just made me want to meet you. I can’t explain it. I just knew I had to.”

      “I don’t even know what to say.”

       “I’m glad I came—I was right for wanting to meet you. I know there’s a reason for it.” I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder, but she gently takes my hands away and steps back again. “You said you found a picture of me. From where?”

      I’m not expecting that question. There’s no way I can tell her the truth. She sees me hesitate and her eyes narrow suspiciously. Think fast, Gavin! “I’m friends with your cousin Mario. He ends up coming to D.C. for a few months for a summer photography program. You’re… living in New York working in fashion and stuff.” Worst. Lie. Ever.

      She doesn’t look exactly satisfied, but she doesn’t press me either. She actually smiles when I mention she’s working in fashion, and comes back into my arms. “Gavin. However it happened, I’m glad you decided to come!”

      She puts her hands in my hair, pulls my face to hers, and kisses me. We sit back down with our arms around each other. She rests her head against my chest and we gaze up at the fiery moon and glittering stars.

      “So...” she finally says. “Will I ever get to see you again, then?” She looks sad and apprehensive.

      “Yes,” I tell her. I feel her body moving gently in synch with mine as we breathe in and out together. “I’ll find more pictures that I can use to visit you, so I’ll keep coming back. I may not always have dates to match to the photos, so some time may go by when I don’t visit. It’ll be sort of like a surprise. Hope you like surprises.” I look down at her and add, “But I’ll be thinking of you every moment. I don’t want to leave. Believe me.”

      She edges back slightly and runs her index finger down my nose. “You better be thinking of me!” she grins, and leans in to kiss me again.

      I sit stroking her silky hair, feeling the most comfortable and secure I ever have. I can’t recall the last time I felt so relaxed and at ease.

      I’m feeling easy enough to just want to talk with her for the time we have left, so I say, “If you could choose one superpower, which would you choose?”

      “To be able to fly! To feel the freedom of the sky against my skin and be even closer to the moon.”

      “What about if you could travel with me to one place? Where would you choose?”

      “Dinosaurs! No doubt about it.”

      I laugh. “Do you have some secret ability you haven’t told me about? Because I’ve always dreamed of seeing dinosaurs, too.”

      “Well, if you can time travel, then I guess it’s only fair that I should have some secret power too.”

      She snuggles closer but a moment later glances at her watch. My stomach sinks because I know she’s going to say.

      She moves away. “I didn’t realize it was so late. I should get back to the party.”

      As we walk back, I keep my arms arm around her shoulders to shield her from the cold. We reach the main clubhouse and hug until we almost crush each other, swaying back and forth in each other’s arms to the sound of the music blaring from inside. When the song ends, she pulls away from me reluctantly. “My parents are probably wondering where I am. They’re a bit overprotective.” She kisses my cheek and then my lips. “Promise me I’ll see you again!”

      I don’t want any of this to end. I clasp her temples and pull her to me so I can kiss her forehead tenderly. “Of course I’ll be back. If you could read minds, you’d know that already.”

      “I’ll be looking for your eyes every second,” she whispers in my ear, and walks away. But she keeps turning back to look at me, and before she goes inside, she turns one last time, presses her fingers against her perfect lips, and blows me a kiss. I reach up as if to grab it and bring my hands to my heart. When she’s no longer in sight, I stand in the moonlight and prepare to chant my return. I don’t want to go back, but I have to. I’ve never felt this way.

      I’m definitely falling...and hard.