• Chapter One •

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'Y/N! Please go and hide, sweetheart! It's not safe for you to be here right now!' The woman shrieked, hurrying her little girl away.
The oblivious child had no idea what was going on, the only thing her ears could pick up were the sounds of grunting, screaming and crying.

'Mommy? What's happening? I'm scared...' She mumbled, with her beloved teddy bear wrapped under her arm. The wooden door burst open and the girl's mother pushed her young child backwards.

Four, rabid looking people ran into the room and started to attack the helpless lady and her family.
The only thing that young girl wanted to do was scream and cry like she should've been doing at her age, but she knew better than that. Her mother always taught her to be a brave girl during the frightening and scary moments of life, and that is exactly what she had to do.

She hid under the dining table while her birth mother was being torn apart by such horrible creatures.
The torture didn't seem to end. Blood soaked the once neat carpet, and her mother clung on to any last piece of life she could. She didn't want to die without saying goodbye to her baby.

'Mama! Are you okay?!'
She ran towards her bloody mother, shaking her shoulders with tears blurring her vision.

'Y-Y/N... my baby...' Even her mother had tears polishing her almost lifeless eyes. 'you'll... go on a-and... life a fun-filled life, okay...?'

The creatures noticed the young girl's presence and were taken by surprise.

'You'll- you will find... a husband, o-or a wife... and live... like a p-princess...'

The mother had little seconds before her soul would let go.

'I love you..."

Her mother shut her eyes and passed away near her daughter.
She sniffed, and immediately got up and tried to run.

One of the wicked beasts caught her. She scratched, hit and kicked its face until it bled.
The blood dripped on to her face like a salty tear. She could not wipe it away.

The singular drop of blood slipped beyond her lips... and right then and there, her life was sealed.



My eyes perked open.
I glanced around, realizing that it was just a flashback. Nothing new.
My friend, Xiangling, took a deep sigh and sat next to me. She was holding her specialty, chicken.

"Sorry. I saw it again..."
I couldn't bring myself to make eye contact with her. I didn't understand how she was patient with me.

"Aww, I'm sorry... you never told me what it was that... hurt your mom, though?" She placed a plate of food in front of me and smiled.

I couldn't tell her that I had become a vampire that day, and I definitely couldn't tell her I wouldn't be able to mouth the food she'd made me.

"I can't remember, I'm sorry... but thank you for the food."
I took my fork and picked at the food. I did try and eat some of it, which she was pleased with.

"Y/N, I think I know someone who can help you. He's very smart and knows a lot about Liyue, so perhaps he can tell you what it was? It'll make me happy, too!"

"Okay. Thank you, Xiangling."


"Ah, the best chef in Liyue... to what do I owe the honor?" A soothing, deep voice rang in our ears.

It belonged to a tall, handsome man. He had long, brunette locks with a tint of gold. He stood up straight and generally looked smart, which was a good sign. For Xiangling, that is.

"Hello, Mr. Zhongli! My friend here, uh... she had a rough childhood, and wants to speak to you about it!"

The man, who was revealed to be named Zhongli, turned to me. His smile was like diamonds. He was completely flawless.
"Oh? I don't recall to have seen you before... I am Zhongli. And you?"

"I'm Y/N, it's a pleasure to meet you."
I felt my heart start to beat faster, despite technically being one with death. He looked like he certainly knew his stuff.

Xiangling ran off to let us have some privacy. We trailed towards the outskirts of the harbor where we could chat more freely.

"So... Xiangling said you wanted to speak to me about your childhood? Care to elaborate?"
Zhongli's tone made me jolt out of my thoughts.

"I wish I could tell you the full truth, I really do... but I'm afraid that you will think of me as a monster."

Zhongli lifted a brow.
"Monster? I believe you are everything but a monster, and we have just met. Please, tell me everything and I will help you to the best of my ability."

I told him everything that had happened that night. Once I reached the end, I noticed that his eyes had widened and a gasp was threatening to escape his soft lips.

"Vampire...? No, impossible. Those beings ceased to exist hundreds of years ago..." He mumbled, looking away from me.

"Please, don't leave now. I've struggled on my own for so long. I fear that one day I will accidentally hurt one of my friends. Or worse."

He folded his arms.
"How long ago was this?"

"Probably about... 17 years ago? I can't remember, I'm sorry-"

"So... these beings that killed your mother... would they still be around now?" He sounded... stern, unlike before.

"I guess so, but I've never heard from them nor gotten any signs of their existence. What's going to happen now that you know...?"

Zhongli cleared his throat and took a deep breath, staring out at the ocean.
"We can make a contract. If you do not hurt or kill any innocent civillians, I will help you, along with finding an answer to your traumatic childhood."

He put out his hand.
I agreed and shook it.

"Now that it is official, if you break this contract nothing but punishment will await you."

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