Michael point of view part 2

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l saw her sitting there just staring out of the window looking at nothing. She looked lost and didn't look like she was wearing clean clothes, kind of dull but she does look beautiful, probably the only girl l have seen in my life well l haven't been out of the house well my dad's house l have been living there for a couple of days l will be looking for an apartment soon and l will sell my dad's house because l need the money l might do that not sure if l will yet.

(if l have talked about him living in a house or apartment let me know l kind of forgot if l have mentioned it?)

now l am going to go and ask if l could sit next to her so l walk up to her and say

M-hey can l sit next to you

(going to skip their conversation etc. that they had l am just going to continue on with something else can't be bothered to write it)

l exchanged phone numbers with her then we just talked about random things then me and her went our separate ways and l just left didn't want to stay late didn't bother talking to her l had to go home to my dad's place well now my house.

( l know l said that this chapter is going to be her interaction with him but it will be in his point of view)

the same day at night

l kind of didn't go home l decided to go the mall and wait there in my car but first l had a drink of an energy drink l had in my car l had it in their before l went to the cafe but don't worry l have one of these fridge things in my car (don't know what it is called? not really know?)

l had two so l didn't fall asleep because l didn't really want to go to an empty house with just me and no dad so l was just sitting in my car alone.

then l just went to sleep in my car.

hello readers, the next chapter will be in his point of view again part 3 and then the next chapter after that will be back to normal in Grace's point of view it won't say that but l will put a picture at the top of each chapter so you know whose part is who

so, the next chapter will be about the mall where he bumped into her but it is not how you think like one person is walking then someone comes crashing down on you and you drop something it is going to be like he is stalking her but he isn't l may make it like he is stalking her like joe does from that nextflick show

my life. (Done with this book have no motivation for it) completed)Where stories live. Discover now