Michael's point of view

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this is written in Michael's point of view (this one won't be great. I haven't written it from a guy's point of view before in my stories ever this is my first but it won't be great. sorry)


(This was a few days before he met Grace Mae)

l went onto Facebook l was sitting at my table at home on my computer just scrolling through my Facebook and l came across this girl called Grace Mae so l went onto her Facebook and saw that she hasn't posted anything on it no photo's nothing the only thing that she had on her Facebook was pictures of her at the beach her and random photos of Store's she went to but she does have a picture of her dad and of her house and the one store she had a picture of is this Coffee shop and l think l have been there before so l have decided l am going to go there and to maybe Bump into her there well l will ask if l could sit with her.............

(the day he goes to the cafe and sit with her)

l get into my car and go to the cafe and wait in my car until she gets there and then l am going to make my move.

So, l am going to go on my phone and look into what my step dad is up to these days while l wait.

Well l am going to tell you that my dad hasn't been around well he is gay, l don't know about my mum haven't met her don't know if l will so my dad is gay and he married this guy and he is my step dad well l like him better than my own dad but l used to live with my dad and his husband and they left one day they just disappeared and my dad doesn't have Facebook but his husband does so from time-to-time l check on him and see if he has been doing anything lately and my dad's name is josh and his husband's name is Sam.

My dad used to abuse me like he would hit me and he was an alcoholic. The abuse started pretty much when my mother l never knew about left that's what my dad says when he was drunk and he would say to me that the reason why my mum isn't around is she found him kissing a guy and she didn't want to be with a gay person and she gave him the ring and divorced him and left him and that happened when l was around 2 years old. So, when l got older and l met my dad's husband and l had a good relationship with him, he didn't abuse me and wasn't an alcoholic

While l was on Facebook checking what my step dad has been up to l saw this girl walking into the cafe so l checked on her Facebook and saw a picture of her and this is the girl that l will be going to ask if l could sit next to her

l turned my phone off, got out of my car and shut the door then went into the cafe and l was looking around and then l saw.............. her

Hello everyone this was another chapter of this story of mine and it was from Michael's point of view hope you liked it this was the first one about Michael and what his life is like and about his dad and mum and the abuse.

The next chapter is going to continue on in Michael's point of view

my life. (Done with this book have no motivation for it) completed)Where stories live. Discover now