l collided into Michael (she met him at the mall)

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picture of Michael

(In the end Grace won't end up being in a relationship with him)

got to my apartment late at night didn't bother getting changed out of my clothes just went to bed.

l went out to the city to get a hot chocolate and muffin and this person Michael l kind of met well, he asked if he could sit next to me at my table at the Caffee l was at yesterday after that l went and ordered some dinner at a nice place l forgot the name of l didn't really care just was hungry the hot chocolate and muffin was enough was just hungry the day before l went out l was learning how to cook since l didn't have a mum to teach me how to cook and l had enough money to buy my own phone but l still had my old phone that my dad got me the only thing my old phone had on it was music that my dad let me my dad is an asshole the only thing my dad let me get on my old phone was music my dad is into rock music so he put rock songs onto my old phone and so l decided with the money my dad left me l would buy my own phone and l could get whatever music l wanted on my phone.

The last few days l was learning how to make a cake on my own (she hasn't made food before she has only been having takeout food) l used google to find a recipe on how to make a vanilla cake l had all of the ingredients to make it l didn't burn even burn the cake and it tasted good and l have also learned how to make pasta and other foods l actually had fun make lots of foods and put them into containers and put them into the fridge and some were in the freezer in the bottom part of the fridge .

The last few days l has been going to bed early at 7 every night and some nights l couldn't sleep l have no clue where my dad is and since l left my house the other day and I don't know if someone has broken into it l just packed my stuff up and left but l did lock up the house and put the key under the big flower pot, we had outside and got into my car and left and got into the city and went to look for an apartment to stay at.

and l found one and l have been staying there and then the next day that was yesterday l went to that Caffee and that's when l met Michael or he sat we me and we exchanged names don't know if he asked for my name or l asked for his don't really remember he seemed like a nice guy

Today l went to the shops and then to the mall to buy clothes and some winter clothes. It is going to be winter soon and l need to buy clothes. The only clothes l have is the ones that my dad gave me for Christmas last year (that was the only happy day she had and was the last one with her father.)

Today l went to buy more clothes since l don't really have many clothes at home so l needed new ones the type l like not the ones my dad got for me.

l got into my car and drove to the mall................

Once l went to the shops at the mall to buy the clothes l wanted and they were dresses top's jeans and black and white Sneakers most hot days l don't wear shorts but l do wear jeans and a short top on hot days so l don't get too hot.

After l got my clothes from the mall on my way out of the store l saw this guy and l felt like l knew who he was but l just kept on walking l didn't think anything of it at the time but l felt like he was following me l just stop what l was doing and went into a random shop and just looked around and pretended l was looking for something and l stayed in that random shop for an hour until l was sure this guy was gone once l thought he would be gone l went out of that shop l didn't look at what shop l went into and l realized that l went into Victoria's Secret and l didn't need anything from there so l left

So, l kept on walking to another store and l still felt like someone was following me or watching me but l just ignored it but the next thing happened l was walking and then l collided into someone l looked up and it was....................


Hello readers, l hope you liked this chapter and it was the second chapter next chapter will be more about her interaction with Michael

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