A Measure of Love

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"How much do you love me?"

The answer to that question has always eluded me. Perhaps at one point, when I was younger and fresher of face, I would have extended my arms to their full length and boasted with a shy half-smile that I loved you this much.

But I'm not that boy anymore.

Since then, I've gotten older and, surely, wiser on certain subjects, but the concept of love is one that he, the younger me, had a much more complete understanding of than I do now. In truth, I don't know how one measures love and I probably never did.

I could say I love you to the moon and back, and who knows, that very well may be true. But I've never known my love to propel people past the heavens. I could even tell you that I love you more than the next guy and the guy after him—but experience has taught me that you can only truly know what's in your own heart.

So, to answer your question, I have no idea how much I love you.

I only know that every aspect of my life is brighter and more vivid when I'm around you. And that when I hear your voice, whether you're yelling or crying or smiling, I never want to live in a world where I can't hear you speak. Or feel the sparks that run through me as I trace invisible patterns on your skin.

Like I said, I have no earthly idea how much I love you, and honestly, I don't think an amount like that can ever be quantified—not finitely at least. The only thing I know on the subject is that I do love you, and that I always will.

Original Posting Date: February 9th, 2018(?)

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