Chapter 15: Weezer

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Randy was having a nightmare. His partners were not with him because they went out to see a movie and he didn't want to go.

In Randy's dream~~~~~~

Randy walked scared down a dark hall. He held his tail tightly in his hands. He was terrified. He all of a sudden heard voices.
"What's... with these homies... dissing my girl?" a voice whispered in his ear. Randy pooped himself in terror. When he looked no one was their.
"Ooh... wee... ooh... I look... just like... Buddy... Holly," another voice whispered. Randy screamed as he peed.
"L-L-LIKE, JENKIES!!!!! WEEZER!!!!!," Randy farted out as he woke up from his nightmare.

Furry Randy Marsh x Reader x Milo (OC)Where stories live. Discover now