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Nora West-Allen roamed in the streets of the past Central City. As expected, it was different from the one she was used to. This version of her hometown seemed more peaceful and somehow calming.

Well, except from the fact that the Flash was running after a car full of thieves who just robbed the bank. Nora touched her special ring, ready to get into her costume but the sudden realisation stopped her.

This wasn't her timeline, and it certainly wasn't her fight. She should know better and not interfere in the past.

But, isn't that the case that got her here in the first place?

Her parents, they were together here. They loved each other. They were married. And soon, they would be expecting her little version.

Well, that's in few years. Right now, they'll be suprised to see their adult daughter knocking on their door and announcing something like half-truth and half-lie.

But, she had a solid reason for telling all of her truth and lies. And it was connected to her parents. It's not hard to guess that they're the reason for this time travel. And they will definetly get mad at her for this but she still has to do it. 

What's the point of being a speedster if you haven't screwed the timeline at least once? 

Yeah, her dad will definetly be mad when he hears that. 

"You have to learn from my mistakes, time travel is something too fragile and dangerous, especially for young, unprepared speedsters!" He has said once. Back then, Nora would never even think of time travelling, but now? Now she's here, in Central City, quite some years before she's even born. 

Nora knocked on the door of the old West-Allen apartment. A place she wished she had spent more time with her parents. 

The door was opened by an young, beautiful woman which Nora resambled so much. 

"Hello? How can I help you?" Iris West-Allen asked, confusion written all over her face. 

Nora felt strange. Seeing her mother everyday was one thing, but seeing her so young, different and somehow all the same was another thing. 

"Um, hi!" Nora gave her an awkward smile. "I know it's wierd when someone knocks on your door-No I don't mean knocking, uh, that's not wierd, that's normal, right? As I was saying, what I was saying? Right! Hi, I'm Nora and I'm your daughter, from future." She smiled tightly. She scolded herself for messing up the introduction.

Good job, Nora. Now don't be surprised if she turns you to the police or mental hospital! She scolded herself. 

Iris' look was unreadable. But Nora was sure her mother was thinking about her as a freak. 

Than she said the most unexpected thing. "Come in." 

Nora was dumbfounded but still followed her mother inside. Her jaw dropped at the sight of the beautiful apartment. She has so little of the memories of here that it could be counted as unexested. 

Iris motioned Nora to sit down. "Now, explain everything to me while I call my husband." 

Nora's eyes lit up. "Oh, dad's out catching the thieves. I just passed him by." 

Her mother gave her an odd look and called Barry. He was by her side in a second. 

"Wh-what's going on here?" Barry asked, as confused as his wife. 

"My name is Nora West-Allen, I'm your future daughter... And I think I'm stuck in here." She glanced at them carefully. Barry and Iris gazed at each other, unsure if they could trust the girl in front of them, claiming to be their future daughter. "Listen, I know this is wierd, but I was chasing a meta and accidentaly got here. I wanted to go back in my timeline but my speed wa blocked. See, I can run fast, but not fast enough to open a breach to my timeline." She stood up and vibrated her hand. Then ran away and came back with Big Belly Burger. 

"Y-your lighting has two colors?" Iris asked with surprise. 

"Oh, that! My sist- I mean yeah, it's not that unusual." She answered. 

"Purple, like mine and yellow like... Yours, Barry." Iris turned to her husband who seemed to be in deep thought. 

"Do you mind if we do the DNA test?" Barry finally spoke. Nora nodded, she expected as much. Then her father turned to Iris and said. "I'll call Caitlin to meet us at S.T.A.R. Labs." Iris nodded while Nora flinched at the mention of the name. Thankfully, none of her parents noticed. 

"Race me there, dad?" She asked Barry. Her father gave her a hesitant look but then nodded and Nora grinned. She glanced at her father holding her mother and filled with sudden happiness. She ran to the lab freely. First time since she was a little girl, she saw her parents in love. 

"Woah! There's a stranger in the lab!" Cisco remarked when he saw Nora arrived before Barry and Iris. 

"I'm faster that you, dad." She grinned proudly when they came. She glanced back at Cisco who looked wierded out. Nora burst into laughter and introduced herself. 

"Did we just here 'future daughter'?!" Ralph shrieked from the doorway. Caitlin was standing next to him. Nora tried to smile to her but she was too ocupied with her parents. 

She loved Caitlin, of course. But right now she couldn't help but savour the moment of finally being an only child, daughter of West-Allens. Ones that were madly in love. 

Nora explained everything to the newcomers and then Caitlin led her in the med-lab the tests. 

Few hours later the results were out. "Congretulations, she's really your daughter." Caitlin announced with a smile. Barry and Iris were still shocked but overally happy. If only they knew.

"So, kid how's the future?" Cisco asked when all of them sat in the West house. "Or am I not allowed to ask such questions?" He turned to Barry for an aswer. 

"I think a little knowledge won't hurt anyone." Barry replied. Nora grinned and told him about few new and great inventions and that he married Gipsy. Although, he was disappointed that he wasn't Nora's godfather. He scolded Barry for that. 

Once Nora bonded with her family again, she went back in the West-Allen apartment with her parents. She had nowhere better to stay and this gave her a chance to get to know her parents all over again. 

"So, Nora tell us more about yourself!" Her mother said with a warm smile. How much Nora loved when her mother did that! She could always, always cheer her up. And even though she was mad at her, Nora would still not trade any spent moment with her. 

"Well, I'm named after my grandmother and I'm a CSI like dad, but I often help you with some of your articles. It was tough choice between  the two professions but in the end, as a CSI I could spend more time with dad..." She trailed off. Barry and Iris gave her strange looks. Then Nora noticed her mother's sad look and added. "No, no, no! Don't think about it like that mom! I love spending time with you! We go in the mall every Friday and sometimes in the movies too." She reassured and Iris nodded with a relieved smile. 

"Now, I'd like to know about you two!" She said. Her parents found it unusual but Nora added that she wanted to know about the time before they had her. They exchanged stories and when the night fell, Nora settled in her new room where she fell asleep like a baby. 

Iris and Barry stayed up for a while. They were discussing everything that happened today. 

"Don't you think Nora was acting a little strange?" Iris asked her husband.

Barry nodded upon that. "No doubt she's our kid but I found it strange too. She said that being a CSI was a way to spend time with me. Do you think... Something's different with us in the future?" 

Iris shrugged. "I don't know, Barry. But I hope everything's all right. We should ask her more about this later." Her husband nodded and both of them went to sleep as well. 

Today was complicated, but Nora counted it as sucess. 

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