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After i poop in the toilet i got outside of the restroom seeing sanzu at the door standing with his legs-crossed and his right hand on the wall, it made me look like a uwu boy.

" Did it go well? " He said weirdly, i was expecting he was going to say, are you lost babyboy? omg im sorry this is just funny for me. I ignored him and walk away.. but, he block me and i say, " Stop blocking my way.. " looking up to him, annoyed i am really this fast to get annoyed by this guy. " You should go straight to your room with (name) you don't need to check her, because i already checked  her earlier. " He said walking away so i was confused for a second so i ran to the room of (name) and i.  I'm seeing (name) sitting on the bed singing something that i can't hear, she's look like she's mumbling the lyrics. " (name) you alright? Did sanzu got in here? " I said closing the door and walking towards to her. " Yes. " She said looking at me then her tummy suddenly got hungry. " What's for breakfast? " she asked going outside the room. " hey wait! " I said grabbing her wrisk pulling her back to the room. " Are you insane? going outside what if that sanzu showup again? " I said being worried for her she only replied a chuckle this is so annoying, Why am i even acting like a baby-sitter?

" Let's go out of this room together. "

She replied a nod and we both hold our hands and left the bedroom. After we walk at the hallway we got into the living room seeing the three again chatting and drinking. " breakfast? " She said looking at them with a doe eyes. " Go straight to the kitchen, ask the chief for breakfast. " Rindou said pointing at the rightdirection, i look at the direction he is pointing and pull (name) into the direction. Me and (name) seeing a two maids cooking for breakfast " breakfast? " (name) asked the one who is cooking. " Oh, yes breakfast will be ready just for a minutes. Please have seat. " The maid pulling a chair from the table telling us to seat on it. (Name) sats on the chair and yawn.

" Did they hired maids?? just wondering, why would you womens work for those criminals, you have a bad taste. "

I said wondering how did the bonten have some maids aren't they scared at those jerks? It feels weird.

" We don't wanna die.. "

The women who is cleaning the dishes replied whispering and looking down at her plates. " shh, are you crazy? " The women who is cooking the breakfast said whispering to her co-worker with her eyebrows raised. " It's okay we won't tell anyone. " I said looking at them and looking back to the trio just chilling at the sopa drinking. Skiptime after i and (name) eat breakfast, we go to our room without saying to the trio, i locked the door and open the small window, " dude what are you planning? " (name) said holding the blanket so i explain it to her the plan. The plan is, we will try to escape by going down using the blanket. " hey (name) tie this to that one and tie it to the bed then i will just jump using this blanket. " i said pointing at the blanket, i sounded so stupid she burst into laughter. " haha so ur ganna jump? " she said laughing non-stop and thought i was joking " are you joking? haha your not even aladin " when she mentioned that im not even aladin i couldn't help myself to laugh with her. " Hahah- we don't have much time, that mikey will be awake any hour or minute now " I said pulling the blanket and in my two legs in the window and i put the blanket below it and jump.....

" Ouch!! " didn't thought it will hurt like this huhu but, gladly my bones didn't cracked haha. I pull the blanket that (name) tied and she slowly go down like she's holding on repunzel's hair haha. There is no people outside of the mansion only us. The door is closed. I almost forgot ryujin, then i will just call the police later. I look at (name) who just got down and proud to her self, i nod at her as a sign that we should start running, we run pass the gate and get a taxi and ride it. Few minutes, we stopped at the police station (name) reported " kidnapping " and " harrasment " to the police and (name) told the adress and the other police recognized me haha! " Hanemiya Kazutora! It's not so while since i saw you haha! " A policeman said putting his right arm around my neck welcoming back like his buddy. " ohh younglady what does this guy has to do with this case? " Another policeman asked (name) because the police thinks im one of the kidnappers. " He is one of the victim. He was with me when we got kidnapped. " (Name) replied to the police with a wiggly brows. " Can you give us a little information? "

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