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While (name) and sanzu(yeonjun) flirting on each other, kazutora and ryujin got away from each other. The haitani ran is with ryujin, while kazutora have haitani rindou, talking about something, to distract kazutora from ryujin. Ran put ryujin a room that have a fancy, triangle table, having a heart glass that have a red wine inside, red fancy roses every sides of the table. Candles every side of the haitani ran and mine of course " So ryujin, how is the designs is it nice? or not eno- " Ran said as ryujin reply cutting him " Cool! " She looking around. Ran chuckled and says,," you should drink up, " while he is putting wine on his glass and his . Ran gave ryujin's heart glass with wine. Ryujin didn't know that there's a drug on her drink, that can make her asleep within hours. Back to kazutora, rindou says " I'll be getting our foods then, be right back! " he said leaving kazutora on a room that have a circle table, two wine's on the left, kazutora's wine that have a drug for sleeping.

On the right, rindou wine. 'a normal wine. " this must be a trick he might putted a drug here. " He put his wine on the right and rindou's wine on the left. " nahh maybe he didn't, his a friend anyway, " He said putting his wine to the left and rindou's wine on the right same like before. " I wonder what is my ryujin~ie doing.. " He said wondering. Rindou entered the door with two maids, holding a cake and the other maid holding a fork and a knife. Rindou sats and the maids put the cake on the table.

" what flavor is it? " Kazutora said to rindou staring at him, crossed legs with his hand on his chin. " Mango but it's covered by red clay. " He repiled, giving the face 'hello darling'

" are you gay? " i said out topic for him. He snap the out of it and shakes his head look to me and replys, " no, i just remember someone when i look to your eyes, " getting a piece of cake with his fork. " yeah me too, my great partner baji. " Kazutora replied to rindou and rindou replied with a shock and mix blush face.

" Izana... " he whispered to himself. " huh did i heared something? " Kazutora reply smiling with a one brow. " Oh, uh,, it's nothing. " rindou said getting his wine and giving kazutora's wine. " Let's have a drink! Partner! " Rindou said clingking the wine with kazutora. The things that they talk about before is about ryujin and the their two old friend's (baji & izana) on the past but, baji and izana died.

They both drink their wine. Kazutora felt a little bit sleepy but, trying his best to eat the cake on his fork. Rindou notices it. Kazutora is chewing his cake and fall down on the floor. Rindou stand up and check him, if his already sleeping. Rindou tie him up with a rope, tie his hands to the chair, his legs to the chair as well. Rindou's thoughts while tying kazutora on a chair, ' he can't remember baji to me, or it's just because of my long hair? c'mon my hair is a jellyfish stlyed and that dead young kid is girl haired.' rindou give an eyeroll, while giving thoughts. " that lier.. " he frustrated said closing the door. He put kazutora in a room with one light, on the middle.

Back to ryujin and ran.

Ran handled, ryujin's drink to ryujin, and ryujin holds it and look at the wine.

" it looks like there's powder.. "

" It's the sugar hun, "

Ran replied with crossed legs and his hand on his cheeks, just like his younger brother rindou. Ryujin thoughts, 'hun? what? i don't really prefer that if me and this tall shit ganna be friends! but, if he will be my futute husband still no, it's a bit corny!(cringe) ' looking at him, is just scaring me, what if this guy kill me? omg just no.'  Ryujin thoughts continues, 'this time i prefer kazutora's darling nickname!'

" where's the others by the way? why just us? "

Ryujin said, copying how he poses.

" they're doing some cool stuff too,, "

Ran replied drinking his wine. Ryujin still don't believe ran about the wine. Ran notice that ryujin notice the wine, and continue to flirt to ryujin. Ran gets ryujin's hand on ryujin's arm, but ryujin refuses to hold ran's arm and stand.

" I'm just going to go to, kazutora.. "

ryujin is going to the exit, ran notice it and go behind ryujin, and covers ryujin's mouth with a kerchief that have a drug for sleeping. Anyseconds ryujin fell asleep on ran's hands. Ran put ryujin on a chair and tie, just like what rindou did.

The siblings, see each other. Ran see rindou talking to a sleepy kazutora. Ran step forward with ryujin, rindou looking so happy, while ran looking so proud to his younger sibling.

" As expected. "

Ran said stepping forward to ran and with his hands on his pockets. Rindou just gave a giggle, proud to his self. " anyways, I'm ganna continue to put this girl on the other  room and exchange it with the girl who looks like her. " Ran said closing the other door and got in the other room. " please have mercy on meee, pleaseee i wanna go home! "  The girl that is tied said while kneeling begging to let her go. " shhh " Ran said putted his index finger to his lips. " You'll wake-up you're sister.. " Ran continued and put ryujin on the middle of the room and pulled the girl and put the girl on the chair and tie her there as the exchange, of ryujin. Ran pulled a serringe from the table and inject the serringe to the medicine and stepping forward to inject it to the girl.

" Don't worry, this won't hurt you.. "

" Sister help me!! "

She shouted from her lungs and cry so bad, sweating and as shaking her head not wanting to die. She fell asleep just like her sister ryujin. Ran pulls the chair with the girl and pulling it to put the girl on the other room with kazutora.

" Rindou get (name). now. "

End of flashback

~ To be continued..

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎 || Reader X Yeonjun • CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now