Chapter 5

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Rachael's POV

Snape awkwardly walked into our compartment. Probably to try and talk to lily again. See last year he called her a mud blood. That lead to James and Sirius pulling a huge prank on him and lily hating him.

"What do you want snape!" I bit harshly.

"To talk to lily "

"Well she doesn't want to talk to you"

"I think she can speak for herself. "

"Yes I can and I don't want to talk to you Severus." Lily said from behind me.

A look of hurt shot through his face but he quickly covered it.

"Fine then I didn't want to talk to a stupid mudblood anyway." He snapped.

"You just did." I stated.
He rolled his eyes and stormed away from the compartment.

The rest of the ride was normal James asked lily out, she refused. Sirius flirted with me I flirted back. And then we teased each other.

We split apart when we got off the train, me, lily, and Alice went to a carriage while the boys ran off somewhere else. Probably to do something to snape like always.

Sirius and James showed up about half way through the the feast.

"Where were you guys?" I asked.

"Worried about us?" Sirius asked.

"In your dreams" I replied sarcastically.

"Always babe" he smirked. I rolled my eyes and went back to my food.

Authors note: sorry This was so late and it's so short! If you guys have any ideas for this story please let me know I would love to hear them.

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