chapter seven- ANGER MANAGEMENT

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sorry, but this one's super short (if not sweet)

Grace might have been angry before, but now she was beyond pissed off. He thought that if he followed her, that she'd suddenly change her mind and forget what he'd done? Her hands shook with rage - she needed an outlet.

With a strangled yell, she swung wildly at a nearby wall, needing to feel the hard brick stripping her knuckles bare, needing the release... but it was stopped instantly by firm hand. "I am SO not in the mood to talk to you right now Castiel. Just go away and let me deal with anger issues caused by abusive, bastard father." She never spoke like that to him, never told him point blank what happened to her, but at that point she didn't care anymore. She just wanted the numbness back, the numbness that had enclosed her right after she'd discovered that-

"Listen to me Annabeth Grace. I'm trying to-"

"To what? Tell me how flawed I am? Well sorry, but not all of us mere mortals are perfect like you! So why don't you just-"

His other hand clapped down on her mouth, stopping the hateful words that she already regretted. "Entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me." He'd lowered his hand somewhere in the middle of his speech, now hanging limp at his side.

Those words made her heart skip a beat. She exhaled shakily as he leaned down and kissed her, softly and sweetly, over and over again. He pulled back after a moment, still holding her in place, but she wasn't ready for the moment to end. Instinctively, her hand moved to his head, fingers running through his dark hair, as she forced him right back to her. He chuckled, not fighting it, and kissed Grace deeper. Soft and sweet turned firm and frenzied, the once feather light kisses now brutalizing her lips. Grace wasn't sure which way she preferred it. One way made her heart flutter; the other sets her chest aflame.

Unfortunately, before things could get too heated, Grace's brothers rounded the corner and spotted the couple.

*squeal* god, I love them!

BTW: that was from the book of Ruth 1:16


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