chapter four- WHAT THE HELL?

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WARNING: this chapter's MEGA short! :(

"What the hell?" Were the first words out of Dean's mouth. John's sons were shocked by the viciousness of the girl. Never in Dean's life had he seen such hate aimed at one person. Sam stood to help un-pin his father from the tree. The blade was struck all the way to the hilt in the oak. For such a small thing, she was strong. After yanking a few times, the knives pulled free unwillingly, as if the metal contained the girl's anger and resentment. John rubbed at the cut on his cheek, smearing blood on his palm.

"Are you gonna tell us who that was? How she knew us?" Sam demanded. Dean nodded in agreement, wanting answers.

"She's- she's a hunter." Dean snorted, interrupting his father.

"I got that part, but can you explain how we just got our asses handed to us by a girl who looks like she can barely take out a 12-year-old, let alone us?"

John sighed, shoulders sagging. He seemed to grow 50 years older in that one movement. "She's one the best Hunters out there. Much better than all of us. She's trained since infancy like you two, but unlike you, she was raised in dangerous situations 24/7. But then she vanished of the grid, and it's done something to her, made her more savage. I don't know how, or why she's back, but she's after the Yellow Eyed Demon."

"That doesn't explain why she's so pissed at you. I honestly thought you were a goner." Dean asked, brow furrowed. The action was so much like the girl, Sam shivered.

"That is a story for a different time." He raised his hand when the opened their mouths in protest. "I'm not changing my mind about this. I will tell you, but right now we need to track her. It'll be hard 'cause she's one of the damn cleverest person I've ever met, but if it gets us closer to ol' Yellow Eyes, it's worth it."

John sure is a stubborn bastard, isn't he? (if you haven't guessed, I'm not the biggest fan of him)

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