chapter two- 2 YEARS LATER

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WARNING: this chapter is pretty dang short (I tend to write short chapters, sorry!) enjoy!

"Sam, I think this one's a bust, dude." Dean sighed as they crouched outside the abandoned church. "I know Dad said there was a vamp squatting here, but he's no where to be seen, let's just go get some beer at the stripper's bar." Dean grinned and waggled his eyebrows at his younger brother.

Sam rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I think you're right, besides we shouldn't be here hunting some lame-ass vampire. We should be hunting-"

"They Yellow Eyed Demon, I know. But we don't have any lead so we might as well save some people, hunt some demons, you know- the family business." Sam nodded in agreement.

They were both about to stand when a couple walked through the front doors of the church. "Hold the phone, I think we got a live one." Dean chuckled at his own joke. The man looked about their age, which told them nothing. He had beach blonde surfer hair that swept across his forehead.

From where they were hiding, the brothers couldn't see the front of the girl. All they could see was a waterfall of blonde hair and a black backpack slung over one shoulder. Dean raised an eyebrow. What kinda chick brought a backpack on a date?

"Are-are you sure this place is safe?" The girl asked, her voice quaking. "It looks like it's gonna fall any second."

"Don't worry, it's perfectly safe. I've been here before, remember?" They guy said, gently pushing the backpack off her shoulder, nuzzling her hair.

"Oh jeez, Dean let's go, I don't wanna watch them make out!" Sam groaned.

Dean held up a hand. "Something ain't right here, Sam."

After trailing a few kisses down her jaw, the guy was now to her neck. As he pulled away, a pair of fangs slid down over his normal, human-liking teeth. "Time to die, sweet cheeks!" He crowed.

"Sam!" Dean cried as they both rose to help the defenseless woman about to become lunch.

Quick as a flash, the girl judo flipped the vampire to the creaking church floor. Sam raised his eyebrows. So the girl had a few self-defense moves. That didn't mean she was out of harms way. The woman drove her boot-clad foot to the vampire's groin with a sickening crunch that caused both Hunters to wince in sympathy. She then reached into her backpack, yanking out a doubled edged ax-like weapon. With a mighty swing, she brought the ax down on the vampire's neck, splattering blood all over her clothes.

Sam and Dean stood there in shock. The whole scene happened in under a minute, it was so fast. "Damn." The girl groaned at the state of her shirt and pants. "Why do they always have to be so messy? I miss Buffy's poofy vampires! So much easier with the clean up."

The boys stiffened at the name of their family friend. How did this Hunter, it was obvious that she was one, know Buffy?

Just then, John jogged over to his sons. "Hey, I heard the shout, are you two-" His face froze at the sight of the girl. Her back was still facing them, but they could clearly see her ax.

Wrapped around the point where the twin blades met at the shaft was a bracelet with Hunter's charms twinkling in the moonlight.

Sam frowned as he watched his father's face drain of color. He turned back to look at the young woman. She was now rooting through her backpack and for the first time, they could see her face.

The first thing that struck him was how beautiful she was. Her blonde hair framed a pretty heart-shaped face. Freckles scattered across her nose, almost blending in with her tan skin. Brilliant forest green eyes shone from her face. She looked so much like their mom, it was like seeing a ghost. The second thing that he noticed was how much she looked like Dean. Sure, he was a guy and she was a girl, but they were almost the same height, and had the exact same eyes. He turned to his brother and saw a look of disbelief and surprise on his face. Then his gaze slid back to his father, who still looked like a ghost.

"Ah, there it is!" The woman cried, pulling out a bottle of lighter fluid. She proceeded to dump its contents on the bloody corpse. She reached into her pocket and yanked out a box of matches. Striking one, Sam could see the fire burning in her eyes. "Burn baby, burn." She whispered, dropping the lit match on the body.

With a happy whistle, she slid her backpack over her shoulder and strolled out of the church with a bounce in her step, twirling her ax in her hand.

that's all for now! do you like my OC? (if you don't, please don't tell me, I always feel attacked by negative junk)


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