Chapter 9~ Families Grow

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Tony and Ziva had been married for a few months when Ziva first thought she was pregnant. She was so excited about it when she saw that the test was positive.

She quickly told Tony but when she went into the hospital it turned out to be a false positive.

They drove home in silence. Tony parked the car in the parking garage of his building and they sat there, neither speaking.

Finally, Ziva spoke. "I am sorry... if I got your hopes up about it. I should have taken another test and made sure before telling you."

"You don't have to apologize. The first one was positive and there's no way you could've known any differently." He said. He picked up her hand. "We will have a baby, Zi."

"And what if we cannot?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked with concern.

"If I cannot give you a child what will happen?" She asked, not meeting his gaze.

He didn't know why she was suddenly thinking like this but he didn't like it. "Then we'll figure it out together. There are so many other options. We can adopt. We can go the surrogacy route. We can still do this."


It was March and the DiNozzo family was meeting again in Wyoming to meet John and Amanda's new son, Landon.

Tony and Ziva were again in the rental driving from Cheyenne to Elk Mountain.

"Are we going to tell them?" Ziva asked.

"About the baby?" He asked. "We sort of have to."

Tony and Ziva had been married for a few months and Ziva was two months along in her pregnancy. It had been a weird thing at first, but they were both overjoyed about it.

"I am glad that she will have cousins that are closer to her age, with Landon and Bella's daughter when she arrives." Ziva said.

"What do you mean 'she?'" Tony laughed. "We don't even know what the gender is."

"Yes, but I have a feeling." Ziva said. "It is a girl. I know it."

Tony grinned at her.

"How is Bella doing?" Ziva asked.

Tony sighed. Bella and Harrison had been separated when they were last in Wyoming and things hadn't worked out despite Bella's pregnancy. She had hoped it would fix things but it didn't. They had gone through with the divorce.

"As expected I guess." Tony said. "Harrison has promised to be there because it is his daughter but who knows how that'll work out. Preston is taking it hard though."

"Maybe it will be good for him to have you there."

"I'm hoping."

Ziva could see how upset Tony was about the situation with his cousin. She reached over and took his hand to comfort him. He smiled at her and kissed her hand.

"I hope you know I'd never leave you, Zi." He said.

"I know that." Ziva said.


The family was so excited about their news and everyone congratulated them.

Ziva was holding Landon in the kitchen while Tony's mother was cleaning up after dinner. Everyone else was in the theater room watching Green Lantern.

"How are you feeling, hon?" Grace asked Ziva.

"Very well. The morning sickness was bad at first but it is mostly gone now." Ziva answered. She smiled down at the baby on her arms when she realized he'd fallen asleep.

"Are you going to be finding out the gender or waiting to be surprised?" Grace asked.

"We originally wanted to be surprised but I think neither of us will be able to wait that long." Ziva laughed.

Ziva thought back to when this had all started with Tony. She couldn't help but always think about what would happen when they reach their seven year mark. They'd agreed that it would be a good place for the divorce. Its a random number and seemed the least calculated.

This whole thing was too calculated. She was in love with him, she knew that at the wedding.

Ziva smiled remembering the wedding. It was the first time she saw Tony cry and it had been for her. She knew there was some sort of love there with him but she didn't know if it went beyond friendship. For her it had been beyond friendship for years. Since Paris really.


Tony couldn't help but think about how awful the Green Lantern movie was as he sat watching it with his family in the home theater. The CGI was horrible and the acting was mid.

He couldn't help but think about Ziva. His wife. He smiled at the thought. Ziva was his wife. They'd been married for months now but it still was a crazy thought to him.

They moved into a three bedroom house soon after the wedding. They had separate rooms but it didn't really matter. Ziva always ended up in Tony's room by morning. Tony didn't mind, obviously, because she had bad nightmares and he knew she needed him to be there.

He was excited about the baby. It would bring them closer together and hopefully help him to tell her how he really feels. He would until later to tell her though, because if she didn't feel the same way he didn't want her to feel trapped in a marriage with a newborn to worry about too.

But he couldn't bare for her to feel trapped with him. He didn't want her to feel uncomfortable and thats why he couldn't tell her how he feels.

Although truth be told, he was more scared of her not feeling the same way and that was a major factor on why his feelings remained a secret.

Tony couldn't take anymore of that awful movie and finally got up and left the theater room. He found Ziva in the family room with her cup of tea and a book.

"Hey." She said, closing her book as he sat down.

"Hey." He answered.

"You didn't want to finish the movie?" She asked.

"That movie is awful." He laughed.

Ziva raised her eyebrows. "That is the first time I have ever heard you call a movie awful. You have not even called The Sound of Music awful, and that is your least favorite movie."

"It is awful." Tony said as he took her hand. "I just didn't say it becasue its your favorite one."

Ziva's gaze drifted from their joined hands to Tony's eyes.

He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and leaned closer to her. "You're beautiful."

He put his lips on hers in a deep kiss.

They broke apart and leaned their foreheads together for a moment.

Lately things had been hectic. They had so much to do with packing and traveling and doctors appointments that they rarely had a moment to themselves. With Ziva temporarily out of the field Tony was working later and Ziva was always asleep when he got home.

This moment was one they had been needing, but neither would admit it to each other.

Hey guys, I'm back from that random hiatus. I know this chapter isn't my best work but I needed to get something up for you guys. I'm gonna try to get back into writing so I can't finish this story soon.

Thank you so much for reading and putting up with such long amounts of time between chapters. I've been reading your comments and seeing the views and votes on my other works and I appreciate every single one of them. Thank you again! Have a great day/night!

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