Chapter 8~ The Wedding

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Tony had his eyes locked on where the cars were parked, waiting for Ziva. He couldn't wait to see her and he couldn't wait to marry her.

He only hoped that she wouldn't regret it or leave him at the alter. That had happened to him before, and he'd gotten through it, but he couldn't handle that from Ziva. Her leaving would mean that she couldn't stand the thought of marrying him, and he knew he wouldn't be able to handle that.

Finally he saw Gibbs round the corner with Ziva on his arm. His breathing stopped as he watched her slowly maker her way towards him.

She was breathtaking. Her dress was an off the shoulder white gown that hugged her waist and hips and flaired slightly at the bottom with a four foot train in the back. Her veil came down just past her back so it wouldn't cover the train of the dress. Her hair was curly and swept up in a low bun at the base of her neck.

But the thing that Tony couldn't take his eyes off of was her smile. He knew that smile and he'd only seen it a few times. That was the smile that she only used when she was truly genuinely happy. And the fact that that's what it was as she made her way down the aisle to him meant the world to him. She didn't hate him, she didn't hate that she was marrying him.


When Ziva rounded the corner she so surprised at what she saw that she almost forgot to keep walking. Tony had set up an aisle of rose petals lined with lit candles that made a path leading to where he stood with Justice Canton.

The sun was setting just behind where Tony stood and made the sky a beautiful mix of red orange and pink. It was truly breathtaking.

Ziva saw a tear run down Tony's cheek and she couldn't help but wonder if he felt the same way she did. Her eyes had been watering since the second she saw him.

Their eyes were locked on eachother as Ziva walked towards Tony. Neither broke it. Neither cared about how vulnerable they were just openly crying about marrying each other right in front of eachother. Neither cared that their feelings could be revealed. Their only focus was on the other's eyes.

They finally reached the end of the aisle and Gibbs kissed Ziva's cheek before handing her off to Tony.

Tony took both of her hands in his and kissed her left hand right where her wedding ring would be in a few minutes.

"You ready?" He asked with a grin.

She smiled back. "Yes."

"Thank you all for joining us for the wedding ceremony of Anthony DiNozzo Junior and Ziva David. Tony and Ziva would like to exchange their own vows." Justice Canton said.

They agreed that they had to exchange their own vows or else it wouldn't be real enough. Secretly they both wanted to do them anyway and wandered how long they could dance around eachother.

Tony took a paper from the pocket of his suit jacket and unfolded it. He cleared his throat and took Ziva's hand again.

"Ziva, when I met you I never imagined we'd be standing here today at our wedding. I never imagined that the scary Israeli chick from Mossad would one day be my wife. This wasn't because I didn't think you were the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on, because I do. It wasn't because you didn't have the sweetest heart of any person I've ever met in my life, because you do. It was because of two reasons. One: I wasn't sure if you'd kill me or not, two: I never imagined I would ever be capable of living someone as much as I love you. From the moment I met you you have made me want to be better. You have made me want to try harder and live the best life possible. And you have made want to have that life with you. Things between is haven't always been smooth. There was the few months I was stationed in the aircraft carrier, and then the whole issue just before Somalia. And then there was Somalia."

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