Chapter 4~ The Proposal

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"Here's how this is going to work." Jacob Slater said.

Slater was the ICE agent working Tony and Ziva's case.

"We're gonna put you two in separate rooms, and ask every question that a normal couple should know about each other. And then we're gonna interview your family members and coworkers."

"Our relationship recently went public." Ziva said. "Our boss has a rule about not dating coworkers. We decided to go public when the engagement happened."

"So you weren't even planning on getting married?" Slater asked.

"I've been planning to ask." Tony said. "I've had the ring for three months, just haven't had the right time to ask." He handed over the ring receipt with the date circled.

Slater looked at it, then made a copy and handed the original back to Tony. "Checks out." He said.

"Seeing as the relationship just went public, neither of our families even know yet, and I've never even met most of his family. They live in Wyoming. I've only ever met his father."

"We'll need to interview him then." Slater said.

"We're actually planning on going to Wyoming tomorrow for the rest of the weekend, for his grandmother's birthday."

"So next Monday we'll need everyone to come in for the interview. That will be closest coworkers, family, and friends. Every question has one answer. If those answers do not match at every single point, you," he pointed at Ziva. "Will be deported immediately."

Ziva nodded.

He looked at Tony, "And you will be fined 250,000 dollars and sent to federal prison for a maximum of five years. Your career in law enforcement will be over."

"Understood." Tony said.

"Alright so with all of that, you are free to go and we'll email you with the details of the Monday meeting. Enjoy your weekend."

"Thank you." Ziva said.

They got outside and Tony finally spoke. "Ziva can I have that ring."

"What?" She asked.

"I'll be actually shocked if my family doesn't ask how I proposed and if we're going to have kids together we need a real story to tell them too." He explained. "Give me the ring. I'll have something planned by tonight."

Ziva laughed. "You really want to do an actual proposal?"

"Yes." He said. "If we're actually doing this it needs to be somewhat real. There may not be feelings involved but you are going to be my wife, and there is no way you aren't getting a proper proposal."

"Tony, this is not necessary." Ziva said.

"Yes." He said. "It is."

Tony had to do this. There would always be feelings involved when it came to Ziva, and he would never forgive himself if he didn't actually propose to her.


Tony picked Ziva up later that night for the proposal. He opened the car door for her and she slid in.

"You look nice." He said as he gazed at the slim blue dress she was wearing. Her hair fell around her shoulders in her natural curls.

"Well it is not every day a woman gets proposed to. I thought I should dress up a bit."

"Well you did a nice job of it."

"Thank you." She said, eyeing him suspiciously.

Tony shut the door and as he made his way around to the driver's side he was thinking that there was no way he could get through this proposal without saying things he really meant. But he knew that if he told her how he really felt, she would call it off. She'd get deported and he'd be sent to prison. He didn't know if he'd ever see her again.

He got in the car and smiled at her. "You ready for this, sweet cheeks?"

Ziva laughed. "I have absolutely no idea what to expect, but I am ready. I just hope you did not go over the top."

What an understatement. Tony thought. He went over the top and beyond.

"Oh, it's nothing huge," He lied.

"Okay," Ziva said.


Tony parked the car and Ziva gasped as she looked out the window.

"Tony you said it was nothing huge!" She said. She gazed at the candles and rose petals laying along the walkway to the door.

"It's not that big," he said. He knew he overdid it but Ziva deserved so much that he had to give her everything for this.

Tony got out of the car, then went around and opened Ziva's door. "You're going to have wear a blindfold once we get into the lobby."

"Why here of all places?" Ziva asked.

"You'll see in a minute." He said. He offered his arm like a true gentleman and Ziva took it.

When they went inside there was more candles and rose petals outlining the way to the elevator. Ziva couldn't help but smile at everything he'd done. They boarded the elevator and Tony pulled out a blindfold. "It's time." He said.

Ziva turned and he tied it around her head, making sure to cover her eyes.

The elevator opened to the squad room, and Tony took Ziva's hand to guide her.

Ziva got butterflies from his touch. She loved the way their hands fit together and made sure to grasp his tightly to keep him from letting go. She couldn't see a thing so she let him lead the way.

She guessed they were between hers and Tony's desks when he stopped.

"Keep your eyes closed." He said as he removed the blindfold.

He took the ring box from his desk and stood a few feet in front of her, in the center of the four desks.

"Okay." He said. "Open up."

Ziva opened her eyes and gasped. Tony had transformed the bullpen. The room glowed from candles and twinkling lights, and rose petals littered the entire floor.

"Tony this is beautiful." She whispered as she surveyed the room. She was in awe of how much he'd done. Her eyes finally landed on him. He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt and black bowtie. In his hand was the red leather ring box.

"Ziva," he held out his hand and she stepped closer and took it. "I picked this spot to propose to you because this is where we first met. Now I know this is just a marriage of convenience, but it is still a marriage. I wanted to give you a proper proposal because I wanted to promise you something. I promise to be the type of man that you would choose as a life partner. I promise to help you through your struggles, and to support your decisions like any husband would. I promise to be your partner in this, and to always be on your side. I promise to be the kind of man you would want to be the father of your kids. I promise to be the best father I can to them. I promise to love them and care for them and help them as they grow up. I know that our situation isn't normal, but I promise that I will always treat you with respect from this day forward." Tony said.

He meant every word and so much more. He wanted so much to tell her right then and there that he loved her. But that would only complicate things.

He knelt down on one knee and opened the ring box. He couldn't breathe. He'd been waiting for this moment for so long. It wasn't at all like he expected it, and if someone told him three days ago he'd be proposing to her like this he would never believe them. But this was real. He was proposing to her and he was going to marry her.


Ziva's breathe caught in her chest as Tony went down on one knee. He still held her hand and she wondered if he could feel how clammy it was. She never realized just how much she wanted to marry Tony until he was down on one knee. She loved him. She wanted so much to marry him. Even if it wasn't real, she wanted it. She wanted him to be the father of her kids. She didn't want the divorce. She wanted to grow old with him.


Tony knew that this was going to end in divorce but he didn't care. If he could be married to her even for a few years, it was worth it. It would kill him to divorce her but right now he didn't care. He took a deep breath. "Will you marry me?"

Ziva couldn't help but smile. She got butterflies just hearing him say it. It took more that it should've to keep her from crying. She couldn't cry about this. Not to him. He'd realize that she had real feelings for him. She kept the tears in, took a deep breath, and answered. "Yes."

Tony couldn't help but grin as he slid the ring onto her finger.

He stood up and almost bumped into her as they were standing so close. He was caught up in the moment and he couldn't help himself. He took her face in his hands and he kissed her. It was a sweet gentle kiss and he didn't want to let go.

Ziva tensed as Tony took her face in his hands but she immediately relaxed as their lips met. It was the perfect kiss and it gave her butterflies. She didn't want it to end.

Tony finally pulled away after a minute and leaned his forehead against hers. "I'm sorry about that." He said.

"You do not need to apologize." She replied with a smile.

The elevator dinged and they broke apart. Ziva immediately felt the emptiness without his arms around her.

"Agents DiNozzo and David." Dourneget stammered. "I- I'm so sorry. I didn't know anyone was up here."

"There was a sign Ned." Tony said. He was annoyed that their moment had been cut short.

"Tony, it is alright." Ziva told him.

Oh. Tony thought. She was alright with that moment ending.

Ziva was very much not alright with that moment ending. Ned should've seen whatever sign was there and he didn't which ruined their moment. Ziva wasn't ready for that to be over.

"I guess we should be going home now. We have an early flight to catch." Ziva said. She picked up Tony's hand as Ned watched them enter the elevator.

"Have a great weekend! And congrats on the engagement!" Ned called after them.

"Hey probie," Tony said, stopping the doors before they closed.

"Yes, Agent DiNozzo?" He asked.

"You remember how you ruined that moment just now by walking in when the sign here," he tapped a paper taped to the elevator wall, "clearly states "Bullpen is closed." You remember that?"

"Y-yes?" Dourneget said, unsure of where this was headed.

"Well you kinda owe me for that." Tony said. "Clean all that up for me?"

"I don't think that's such a-"

The doors started closing and Tony yelled through the crack as it narrowed. "Thanks, probie I owe you one!"

"Wait Agent DiNo-!"

The doors closed, leaving Tony and Ziva alone laughing. Pulling pranks like that on the probie agents was something they always used to do together.

"So are you ready to meet the fam?" Tony asked.

"I am excited, and little nervous." Ziva admitted.

"Don't be, they'll love you." Tony said. "I mean you already won Senior over so the rest of them won't be that hard. Except for mom maybe."

"Really?" She asked. She had been especially nervous to meet Tony's mother, and now it was much worse.

"Nah it won't be that bad." He said.

They stood in silence for a minute as Tony wandered something. Finally, he go the courage to voice it.


"Yes, Tony?"

"Why have you been holding on to my hand this whole time?"

Ziva looked down and looked at their joined hands, then back at the doors in front of them. "I do not know."

Still, they didn't let go as the doors opened and they exited the elevator into the lobby. They didn't let go as they left the NCIS building and walked out into the parking lot. They didn't let go as Tony opened the car door for Ziva. They didn't let go until she was seated in the car.


OMG...guys i can't how beautiful was that? I love the dynamic of both of them being so desperately in love with each other and neither of them know it. And that mixed with both of them secretly wishing this doesn't end in divorce. Its too perfect, i love it so much!

So I have a few chapters sitting waiting to be published so prepare to be spammed because I'm about to put them all up now. Enjoy!

The Proposal ~Tiva Edition~Where stories live. Discover now