Part 1: Maximilious: The Chosen One

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Royal Woods

Looking up at the beautiful night, Lincoln and his Best Friends, Rusty, Zach, Liam, and Clyde laid in their camp beds.

The Royal Woods High School was at the park for the meteor shower that was soon to happen. A beautiful trip to kick start the long weekend. The only Loud Son even try to record it for his friend in Great Lakes City, Ronnie Anne.

"This is so awesome. Nothing like this with my bestest buds" said Lincoln.

"This is going to be amazing" Liam said.

The shower started to begin. There were ohs and ahs for the seniors. There was even a huge meteor that made it's way to the woods near the campsite, causing the ground to shake a little.

Clyde gulped as he saw something glowing in the woods. "Uh guys? Tell me you guys saw that?"

"That was awesome. That meteor was huge!" said Liam, continuing to watch the display.

"Guys, over there!" Clyde yelled, getting his friends attention.

Seeing where Clyde was pointing at, the guys saw the woods glowing a white light dying down.

"Woah. What is it?"

"It had to be that big meteor. It hit on Earth."

An idea hit the head of Lincoln. "Let's go check it out."

"Uhh what?" Clyde asked. "T-There's no way that anything is good over there. You seen scary movies."

"Bro, what if it's aliens. I'm recording it. Also we got our phones to call for help. Come on."

The friends sneaked off to the woods to find the potential alien.

"Dude, we're going to be chick magnets if we find this alien" said Rusty, fantasizing on all the girls in school loving him.

"We're going to be famous" Lincoln said. "What you think, Clyde."

Clyde thought different. "We're going to die. First, there'll be no service on our phones to call for help. Then, whatever is out here will hunt us down one by one. One of us, probably Lincoln will make it out. But he's too late as he's captured."

"Dude..." said Liam. "No more monster movie night with you."

The guys continue till they stop after hearing some chatter.

"Come on! I did a great job." A voice of a man said.

"Max, You took out three trees!" A robotic feminine voice said.

"Can't say I didn't do a good park job? This is amazing. My personal best, Computress."

"An alien that knows English already..." Lincoln whispered.

"I just hope no one saw us. We need to find Judgment before she hurts anyone" said Computress. "Max, we're not alone. There four humans here."

Clyde quietly let out a whine. The boys started to book it back to the camp. Clyde fell over, losing his glasses in the process. "My dads gonna freak if they're broke."

"Here dude. I got you."

Clyde put them on and saw the person who gave him his glasses. He let out a scream that echo in the night sky.

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