A new beginning

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I'm sweating. I can't do this. I hate attention. I mean I like when other people seek for attention but beeing the attentionseeker is not my thing. I just said attention for like a million times. God what is wrong with me? Get it right, woman! If I don't stop...

"Honey, relax. We came here to start a new life. I can see your hesitation. Please just go in there and be yourself. You can do it. You're a Hunter. We hunter's are known for our strength. Now get out, I have places to be." My mother, Monica said.

Okay, so I should probably explain my situation to you...

I'm currently sitting in my mom's car infront of my new school. We moved here two weeks ago and I haven't visited school once. You can now guess why I'm, as an almost adult, getting delivered to school by my mom.
However, I am supposted to go in there and have the time of my life. But right now I just want to go home and crawl under my bed. Don't get me wrong, normally I'm not a shy person at all, but situations like these scare me and I get all anxious.

"Key. Bye mom." I say as I hop out my moms jeep. I love jeeps.
"Darling just go in. It won't be that bad. Love you, bye." With that she starts the car and drives away.

Okay, I can do this.


So my second class is finished and I'm pretty proud of myself. I think I had a nice entrance. I walked in and all eyes were on me. But the teacher skipped the part where I have to introduce myself to the class. I think he saw my anxiety. I sat down in the back and that cute guy infront of me actually turned to look at me and asked me if I needed help with my schedule. I then found out that we have some classes together.

Right now I'm on my way to class numero tres, which is class number three in spanish. That was a hint.
You guessed it, next class is spanish. I have about ten minutes to run to my locker, take my books and head to spanish. I attempted to do so. But right infront of my locker I bumped into somebody.

"Oh shit, sorry." I said, looking up to see a girl with short black hair and a pretty tanned skin standing there.
"No. It's okay. Here let me help you." She says, already picking up my stuff.
"It's fine I got it. Thank you." I was about to turn and leave, but her voice stopped me.

"You are new, aren't you? Because I haven't seen you around." She asks.
"Yeah, I just moved here with my family. I'm Skylar." I say, waving my hand like a retard, because I'm fucking awkward.
"Hey I'm London. I guessed you just moved here. Do you need help with your schedule? Let me see if we have some classes together." She finished, taking my schedule from my hand, before I could answer.
I watch her face twitch like she's watching a very interesting movie, before she hands it back to me.

"We have Chemistry, PE, Biology, English and Spanish together. Which is cool. We could go to Spanish together if you want." She looked at me expectantly. I shrug and give her my best smile.

"...and that's it." London finished. We are currently sitting at a small lunch table near the entrance, which is pretty disgusting, considering that some inches away from us there are the trashcans. I asked her why she wanted us to sit here and she told me her story. Like, literally her life. She grew up here in Texas. She has two younger sisters and a cat, named swix. I decided not to ask how she came up with that name because she was already at the part where she got bullied. I listened closely, because bullies are people I really hate.

People made fun of her because she had big glasses. Wow. Really? She said she wouldn't get bullied by a lot of people anymore, because she now uses contact lenses. Just a group of pretty popular girls didn't get it yet. It's always like that, isn't it?

"That's a very interesting story dude." I say laughing.
"Yeah. And what's yours?" Ashley, a friend of London asks.
"Uhmmmm.... I am born in Portland and have a big brother who is going to this school as well. He's two years older than me. I don't have any pets. I like to eat a lot and later on regretting it. Oh and I am in love with Theo James. GOD HE'S HOT." I finished, closing my eyes and sighing deeply, because I just thought about Theo James.

The table erupts with laughter and I open my eyes to see all five girls of our little group, clutching their stomach, in order to stop the pain from laughing.
"Oh god, Skylar. You truly are something..." Mary says but stops when she looks at something behind me.
"...oh she's coming, guys. A new day, a new experience.... My ass." She finishes. And before I could even turn around and see what she's talking about I hear the bitch's voice.

"Oh look. Our looserteam has found a new looser. Does she know who you are, or did you drag her with you?" I turn around and see a small girl. I started laughing. She's not that small though, but still not really tall. And she's definitely not somebody who is in the place to put somebody down. She looks at me with furrowed eyebrows.
"What's so funny, slut?" I stop, after hearing her talk. I give her a look to tell her she doesn't impress me at all and open my mouth.

"You. I mean look at you." I say, bitting my lips to stop myself from laughing. London and her friends snicker.
"What did you say? I would watch out if I were you. You don't want me as your enemy." With that she stomps away and I turn back around to see all eyes on me. One guy was even clapping but soon stopped, after realising, that we are in high school and not in a fucking theatre.
"Wow that was a bit dramatic." I mutter, taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Honey, I'm home." I yell after closing my door. I know that no one's home yet, so I go upstairs to my room and turn some music on. I was about to change into my comfy clothes, when I hear the front door open.

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