Argument pt 2|#7

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A/n: here is the continuation of "Argument" enjoy :) and any requests message me on here !.


2 weeks later

3rd persons POV

Y/n made no contact with Hermione these past two weeks why would there be contact after what happened.

Y/n was a generous and thoughtful person she still wondered on why Hermione choose to do what she did. You know what I mean?

It was just as confusing as loosing an interest in a book you really loved. Anyways,  Hermione wanted to try to get to talk to Y/n just to explain on why that happened.

Present day

Y/n was casually reading one of her favorite books from the muggle world; it brought a smile on her face when she encountered one of her favorite lines
"There are years that ask questions and years that answer."

In the girls dormitory——

Hermione sat near the tower and thought about the memories between her and y/n.

Hermione was hurt herself because she did something she would never do to y/n. But yet Hermione was in the wrong so yet she should be guilty and shamed.

"What are you doing out here mudblood?" Said a voice coming from the hall

it was the one and only Draco Malfoy

Hermione was nervous and scared that Malfoy might bully her. "I was about to get going Malfoy" said the voice of Hermione

Draco sighed and came a bit closer

"Don't think I'm trying to be your friend or anything but what you did to Y/n you should be ashamed of you self" Draco said in a toned voice

Just like that he walked away. Sooner or later Hermione thought it was time to apologize to y/n even though y/n didn't want anything to do with her.

End of Pov

Y/n's Pov:

I was just putting some treatment on my bruises they did hurt but I'll get over the bruises.

After that I decided to put my book away and talk to the girls in the dormitory.

Later on———

The girls had fallen asleep but I was still awake so why not go into the living room and sit on the couch.

The light I liked was on wasn't too bright or too low just about perfect.

I laid my head back and just took a deep breath just to relax.

Soon came in someone but I didn't know who so I ignored it .Finally,  I brought my head back up and Massaged my neck since it kind of hurt

Few seconds later

I did not expect to see this person.

"y/n I know you don't want to see me but can I just talk to you please?" She said begging

I quickly stood up and tried to leave but she got a hold of my arm

"Y/n please" she asked in a voice

I made her let go of my arm

"Don't ever grab my arm and I don't want to fucking talk to you!" I said in a stern voice


I guess she got hurt by what I said and stood back

I left back to the rooms and got into bed not knowing she came back up here and sat on the end of my bed.

"Please leave me alone" I said

"I already have someone" I said

The end

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