only you|#1

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Prompt:Hermione has been hanging out with Ron for the past few weeks,you speak to her about it.

You were currently in the Library studying for an upcoming test you had.Lately you were feeling down since Hermione and you normally study together,But lately Hermione and Ron have been hanging out for the past few weeks.

So right now it was just you alone feeling drained.You couldn't get your mind of on how they have been spending time together.

After studying after a few hours you decided it was time to go,You got your stuff and headed out the library and made your way to the Gryffindor common room.You got there and muttered the password.Once it opened you fell in love with the smell.

You sigh softly going up to the girls dormitory,once you got to the girls dormitory you made your way to your bed none of the other girls were there.

It was just you,You changed and got under the covers missing the warmth of Hermione.Since you were exhausted from studying you close your eyes,heading of into a deep sleep.


The next morning

You were woken with someone shaking you,

"y/n!,y/n! Wake up" the voice rang

You opened your eyes,settling your eyes you see Hermione.

"finally,wake up y/n" said Hermione

you shake your head

"Go away" you groaned

"you have to wake up y/n" said Hermione

"why don't you go bother Ron." you said rolling your eyes turning the other way.

"What do you mean love?" asked Mione softly

"forget it just go away" you said closing your eyes

you felt the bed sink and her wrapping her arms around your waist. "what's wrong?" she asked again,you sighed softly.

"I just feel like you and Ron have been hanging out to much lately,and I feel alone without you,I'm sorry if I'm being dramatic it's just that I miss you,I'm just to scared to say it because I don't want an argument between us,again I'm sorry if I'm being-"

Hermione cuts you off with a passionate kiss,it was full of love which you loved the most.Both of you pulled away,as hermione said

"my love,you aren't being dramatic and I've been helping Ron just with studying,I'll promise I'll give you all my attention from now on,I love you y/n"

you smile softly pressing as peck against her cheek.

"I love you too my darling" said her calming voice

the end!!

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