2 ~ Dummy Dancing

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Its been a little while since I've come back to Seaford. I've joined the cheer team, I'm getting good grades, and I've really gotten in with the people at the dojo. I hang out with their group a lot. Something has developed between Jack and I but I can't quite pinpoint what it is yet.


I walked the main hallway of Seaford High, catching only the tail end of Jerry's sentence.

" - I'm what they call a flight risk." He said, before hopping on the landing/railing.

"Hey guys, what's up? I ask as I go down the stairs. I take a seat next to Jerry, handing him some licorice I " borrowed" from the teachers lounge. Okay, I stole it.

"Jack, your record's about to be broken. Prepare for the new world champion, Milton the missile Krupnick!"

Milton rips off his clothes and everyone makes a noise of disapproval. I groan and turn into Jerry's shoulder.

"Dude, eat a sandwich!" Jerry yelled. I turned back around, making eye contact with Jack, he seems a little upset but drops it when he knows I've noticed.

Just then, Truman storms in.

"Oh look at this! I've walked in the middle of a loser-palooza." I turned to glare at Truman. I've only been here a month, but man does that kid piss me off.

"O-oh, hey Valerie." Truman stutters. I roll my eyes in response.

"What are you doing here Truman?"

"Oh I just thought I'd hang out." Truman responded

"Do you have to do it here?" Jerry and I said at the same time.

"It's a free hallway, Jerry." Truman countered.

"Truman if you'll excuse me, I have a date with destiny." Milton said dramatically.

"Oh that would be your first date ever." Truman deadpanned.

"Ha ha ha ha, very funny. You're about to see my skidmarks!" Milton announced.

We all groaned. "Okay, I thought that was gonna sound different when it came out."

Kim jogged to the garbage cans on the far end of the hallway. "Okay guys, this garbage can marks Jack's record of floor tiles."

Milton slid on the floor yelling. He sure beat the record and crashed into the science room.

"He just shattered your record!"

"And that paper mache solar system outside the science room." Kim pointed out.

Everyone rushes towards Milton. Jerry and o exchange a glance before hopping down and following. Something's fishy.

Milton comes out of the classroom covered in planets.

"Looks like someone greased his tray." Jack said.

"Looks like!" Truman laughs, in what I'm assuming is a maniacal tone, but its really coming off pretty weak.

"Looks like Saturn's now lodged in the dark side of the moon."

"I'm betting Pluto is so glad it's not a planet anymore." I say, grossed out.


Everyone is practicing in their wasabi dojo gi's on the mat when Jerry starts screaming, scaring me half to death. We all pause and turn to the locker rooms just as Jerry comes running out with pink hair.

"Hold on." Kim starts.

"Something's different." I add, trying to hold in a laugh.

"Wait don't tell me... new bathrobe?" She finishes. We laugh and high-five.

Love Ninja ~ Jack BrewerWhere stories live. Discover now