5 ~ Road to Wasabi

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Jerry, Milton, Eddie, Kim, and I are in the dojo. Kim and Eddie are putting out decorations while Milton starts hanging some on the archway. I sit by the party favors that are on top of the blue stacked mats.

The door jingles and I see Jack putting his skateboard down by the archway.

"You're late." Kim accuses dryly.

"For what?" Jack asks confused.

"Rudy's surprise birthday party. Remember? The one he's been planning for himself for two weeks?" Eddie explains.

Jack comes and sits on the opposite end of the mats I'm sitting on. I decide to take the opportunity to make myself useful and get up to help Kim. Okay, maybe I was still a little salty about Kelsey, and Jack being jealous.

All of a sudden the lights flicker off .

"He's coming!" Rudy whisper-shouts from the bathrooms. Kim rolls her eyes and Jerry lets out a silent sigh. I cross my arms and wait for Rudy's dramatic entrance. Rudy rounds the corner and flicks the lights back on, earning an unenthusiastic reaction from us.

"Surprise..." We all say flatly, in unison. Rudy reacts like he's been shot - or he's having a heart attack. Really, Rudy should not be an actor.

"How did you know it was my birthday?!" Rudy exclaims. "Are you guys trying to kill me?" He pulls a giant cake hat out of nowhere and places it on his head. "You better not have brought gifts... but if you did, now would be the time to load me up." Our sensei is so humble.

Milton walks to his locker and grabs his gift. Jack rushes after him. He comes back seconds later with a medium sized gift.

"This is from Jerry, Eddie, and me."

Rudy empties it to reveal a roll of toilet paper. Rudy laughs in response.

"Joke a day toilet paper, get out! My cousin has this at his house, I literally laughed myself off the bowl." Kim and I shook our heads. "Thank you guys. Now I don't want to turn this into a competition, but girls, its time to top that gift!"

Kim grabs her present and Jack follows at her heel.

"Well, I have the best gift for the best sensei!" I said dramatically, holding out my present. Rudy tears it open to reveal a mug that reads 'World's best Sensei' on it.

"Wow! Thank you Veronica!" He exclaims.

"Its Valerie." I say dryly. Jerry wraps an arm around my shoulders. "At least he got the first letter right." Jerry says in attempt to comfort me.

"... I hope you like it Rudy." Kim says. Rudy takes the present and rips it open. Rudy sighs in awe.

"A signed picture of Bobby Wasabi?" Kim nods. "My hero? My idol? The man I pattern my life after?" Rudy holds the picture frame to his chest like he's hugging it. "To whom it may concern, Bobby Wasabi. That's me! I'm whom! I'm concerned!" Rudy yells, tearing up theatrically.

"So am I." I say and Jerry chuckles beside me.

"Alright Jack, Rock... my... world!" Rudy says, expecting a present that Jack clearly doesn't have. I eye Jack carefully, I would love to see how this plays out, but upsetting Rudy doesn't seem like the best outcome for today.

Jack sits on the bench closest to the door and we all surround him. He winced in response.

"Yeah Jack, I'm sure Rudy saved the best for last!" Kim says, accusingly.

"Well... y'know... I was thinking," Jack starts, his voice higher than usual.  "Y'know everyone knows how much you love Bobby Wasabi... I asked myself 'what could be better than a picture' right?" Jack takes Bobby's picture and holds it in his hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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