1 ~ The New Girl

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I recently moved back to Seaford from my temporary residence in Tokyo. There, I was trained by an elite group of martial artists. That's why I'm set on joining a dojo in Seaford.

I'm really excited to get back to my life in Seaford. Going to Seaford High, joining a dojo, and seeing my old friends. But first I have to make a little stop.

I walked into the dojo decorated in a lot of green. The blonde I was looking for was stretching on the mats, talking to a brunette boy I don't recognize.

"Kimmy" I sang.

Kim turned around immediately, surprise fresh on her face. I smiled wide and opened my arms.

"Oh my god! V!" Kim squealed, jumping up and rushing into my arms. We jumped and screamed like a bunch of little girls. After a few minutes she pulled away, grinning widely.

"What brings you here? I mean I'm not complaining at all, but why are you here?" Kim asked, holding my hands.

"I'm back, for good." I say, smiling. Kim starts squealing again.

"Uh Kim, care to introduce me to your friend?" The brunette boy said, he was near us now.

"Oh, Jack, this is -" Kim began.


I turned around to see my old friends Eddie and Milton at the door.

"Hey guys." I said, smiling harder. They ran up to me closing me in a group hug.

"Y-you're back!" Milton exclaimed.

"For good this time." I stated.

"Come here, tell me all about Tokyo." Kim said, pulling me go a bench in front of the mats. I sat with her as everyone gathered around, except for Jack, who leaned on the pillar next to the trophy shelf.

"Well, I learned a lot. I'm a second-degree black belt now." I said proudly.

"Really? so's Jack!" Eddie said.

"Wow, really?" I asked, trying to spark up conversation with Jack.

"You sound so surprised."

"Should I be?" I playfully challenged. Jack and I held eye contact that was quickly broken. Not by choice tho,  someone walked between us.

"Hey Jack. Hey Kim. Hey Valerie." Jerry said walking into the locker room.

4...3...2...1... I counted in my head. Jerry came running out of the locker rooms.

"Valerie!" He yelled. I stood up and caught him in my arms. Jerry swung me around and placed me down. Looking over Jerry's shoulder I could've sworn I saw a hint of jealousy in Jack's eyes.

"Its been awhile." I said, laughing. I peeked over Jerry's shoulder again to see Jack still tense. I smiled to myself. It isn't like that for me and Jerry. He's like a brother to me and that is a feeling I know he reciprocates. It's still nice to know that Jack has a little crush on me.

"Jerry what have I told you about bringing girls by the dojo to impress them?" A dirty blonde man said, approaching the middle of the room.

"Ew, gross, man. Valerie's like my sister." I punched in the arm. Thinking about dating Jerry was gross, but he didn't have to say it like that.

"Rudy, this is Valerie. She's my best friend who just spent the past four years in Tokyo training in karate." Kim explained. "V, this is our sensei, Rudy."

"Perfect, I was actually going to join a dojo here, what're the chances of me joining here?" I asked, hopefully. This sparked many praises of approval and some begging from my friends.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, we don't just let anyone in." Rudy said, holding his hand out to silence my friends.

Within a second, I flipped Jerry. He landed flat on the carpets.

"That doesn't prove anything, anyone can flip Jerry." Jack said, walking towards me. I flipped him just as easily.

"She's in!" Rudy yelled.

"I'm also a second-degree black belt." I said.

"Welcome to the team, Vicky!" Rudy exclaimed.

"Valerie." I corrected.

"Yeah, that." Rudy went into his office.

I turned and looked at Kim, smiling. I can't believe it, I'm in!

Love Ninja ~ Jack BrewerWhere stories live. Discover now