Chapter 1: The Dursley's

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I could feel the cold, breeze of death around me, as I felt the cold ground of the graveyard beneath me.

And yet despite the coldness and the darkness around me I felt excited, hopeful even. In less than a years time I would be stronger, stronger than I had even been.


"Wake up boys! You don't want to sleep the whole day away." Mum's voice called up to me.

I rolled over, groaning slightly. I was having such a good dream, although I couldn't remember it.

I sighed getting out of bed stretching. Since the last year I had changed a considerable amount, my hair had grown longer, to the point that it probably could do with a haircut.

I'd also become much more toned over the summer, Voldemort was right I had to build both my body and my mind.

I heard Ron groan in the other bed. I shared this room with him, given we were so close in age. Like usual he was still asleep.

I rolled my eyes pulled on a shirt and heading downstairs.

"Morning (N/n)." Fred said as I passed him. I could see he was carry an armful of fireworks.

I grinned at him. "Looks like there's going to be a good show eh?"

"As long as we can keep Mum distracted long enough."

"Morning (Y/n)." Mum called to me as I entered the kitchen. "Is Ron still asleep?"

"Ron's always asleep." I said rolling my eyes.

"Well that's true. But I'd rather he didn't sleep the whole day away. Toast dear?"

I nodded at her as Percy walked in from the front door.

"Goodmorning Percy." Mum said happily. "Eggs dear?"

"Why does Percy get eggs? I only got toast." I said. Percy looked at me as though he stepped something unpleasant.

"Please mother, but I'll wait a little bit." He replied to her.

"No need to wait Percy, I can tell when I'm not wanted." I said angrily getting up from the table, grabbing my rain boots heading towards the front door.

"(Y/n) dear don't go." Mum called after me. "It's not that we don't want you here."

But I just ignored her, I was getting sick and tired of Percy's snide comments and remarks, the faces he made whenever I entered the room. And mum was just as bad, she never stopped him, never told him off. It was always my fault some how.

Angrily I headed up the nearby hill and towards the river. It was a path I had taken many times this summer. It was where I would meet Luna.

"Hello (Y/n)." Luna called to me as I walked nearer to the river. She was dressed in a pair of overalls, with a bright yellow shirt, standing in the river in wellies that went up past her knees.

I smiled when I saw her, at least I could always come see her when I needed a break from my family.

"Hey Luna." I said happily joining her in the river. "How've you been?"

"Oh I've been good." She said happily, as she watched the water ripple slightly. "Daddy's just finished fixing the printing press."

Luna's father wrote and sold his own magazine called the Quibbler. I'd read a few of the issues, and quite honestly all of the articles seemed highly interesting, although Voldemort had called them all bullshit.

"Are you alright (Y/n)?" Luna asked me looking at me concerned.

I just shrugged. "Are you feeling disconnected from your family again?" Luna asked, she really did know me well.

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