An unknown farewell

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Kazama's POV:
Is he going to leave!? ......(recap)

Shinchan's POV:
Well..... I don't have much time to actually meddle in these conversations.....


Shinchan: Ahhh .....well you I said we're just rummaging through stuff reason being....

{Suddenly Mitsy shouts from the kitchen asking him to hurry up and welcome his friends properly}

Shinchan: Aaa......yesss mom,gotcha stop ears...hurt...

Third person POV:

Mitsy's sudden interruption left shinchan's explanation hanging and hence they all entered the living seated.....soon Mitsy brought a lot of delicious snacks which they all enjoyed a lot....a great meal made them forget the question they were going to ask shinchan....except for one✨

Kazama's POV:
Well.....everyone seems to be enjoying a lot but all these instances makes me suspicious...and i just can't seem to get it out of my head... others seem to have forgot about it....but i wanna know what is going's not only his stuff which is packed but the whole family's ....maybe they are gonna shift till they renovate the house again the way they did when they were kids when shinchan used to live in an small apartment with yonro and the landowner....

Shinchan's POV:
Everyone seems to be enjoying talking to my parents . Meanwhile, i should help himawari or that girl is gonna get on my nerves later for not helping her....
(Enters room)

Shinchan: hey hima !!! You need my help!?

Hima: what do you think ...????ofc i do ....I can't pack all these by myself for's a bunch

{Shinchan helped hima pack the rest of the stuff while his friends were enjoying with his parents.......all the packing is done}

Nene: Aunty!! May I ask where's Shinchan !?

Mitsy: He might be with hima Chan ....maybe she needs his help
Lemme call him...

Shinchan's POV:
That was tough....!!!! Keeping everything neatly is a real deal...atleast for me it sure is...well....after so much we finally did finish packing...I'm glad as I can actually take rest for about 4-5 hours before getting ready for tomorrow's departure....well let's meet my friends they might still be I was heading downstairs i heard mom calling me....i responded with a 'yes' while entering the room.....Everyone was still there.... waiting for my arrival....I'm sure gonna miss them all after my leave ...

Kazama's POV:
I looked back to see Shinchan standing by the door.....he later made himself seated....right beside me...😶
I really should admire his guts to have the nerve to say cheesy lines even infront of his parents.

Shinchan: Hey !!my love ! to meet your lover!? Did you miss me!?

Kazama: (embarrassed for being treated this way infront of everyone)
Shinchan...!!!!!stop it ....I'm not here for such stuff...i just tagged along with others when they suggested to meet you as they were worried....stop saying such things ....I'm done with these sweet talk of yours..~~

A not so defined relationship (shinchan x kazama)Where stories live. Discover now