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breadthedead asked "horror did you use a toaster or a pan when making toast?"

Horror: neither I used the air frier. It gives it a better taste.

Shady0220UwU asked "dust and horror mainly dust. How did the pregnancy go and how did okes react to having a baby brother?"

Dust: well the pregnancy wasn't easy but horror helped a lot. I had really bad mood swings a lot and weird cravings. Giving birth was difficult and took several hours but nothing bad happened.

Horror: taking care of dust pregnant I'll admit is a challenge- he gets really emotional and upset a lot and it's hard to try work with him but I still love em. I hated but loved when he gave birth. I hated seeing him in so much pain and only being able to hold his hand during it but I was extremely proud of him and happy to have our child.

Dust: okes was only two when we told him about his brother do he didn't really react much if course but as he got older he took good care of his brother and still does to this day.


Thank you to everyone who has read this book you all mean a lot to me!

assholes to lovers (Horror X Dust)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant