planning (fluff)

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Dust pov:

I was on my way back from a mission and when I walked into me and horrors room he was sat on the floor looking through his phone like usual "hey babe" I said walking over to him "hi dusty! How was your mission?" Horror asked looking up from his phone "eh fine, what ya doin on your phone" I asked sitting next to him to see, when I looked over I saw a bunch of wedding pictures and writing "just looking though some wedding plans and shit" horror said scrolling down on the page "horror you really don't have to stress yourself about this so much, besides we both agreed we wanted a small wedding" I said patting him on the shoulder "I know but I still want it to be nice, even if it's small, and we have been engaged for 2 and a half month without a single plan" horror said looking up at me, he did have a point, we really needed to start planning this "alright tell ya what, if you promise to stop worrying about this today and just relax we'll both start properly planning this tomorrow" I said "really! Deal" horror said hugging me "heh no problem" I said hugging back.

In the morning we are breakfast and then sat down and started talking about what we want and who we want to be there and what we should wear "I think you should wear a wedding dress" horror said with a dumb grin on his face "what! Why can't we both wear a suit?" I said annoyed "come on you only get married once, and you would look good in it" he said with puppy dog eyes "pweeeaaase" he said holding his hands together as if he was praying, I thought for a minute not knowing if I really wanted to go through with this "hmm ugh alright fine, I'll wear the stupid dress" I said leaning back in my chair and crossing my arms.

For the next four weeks both just planned and booked stuff like where it's gonna be and who's gonna be there and what cake we wanna have and all that shit but today is the day we go and pick out our outfits, horror was going with killer and error and I was going with fel and nightmare "you ready to go get you a wedding dress!" Fell said as we where walking into the mall "nope" I said nervously "don't worry it'll be fine" nightmare said putting his hand in my shoulder "yeah but what if I done fined anything I like?" I asked "then we can always look tomorrow and even the day after" fell said "*sigh* alright let's go. We spent a few hours walking around looking at different dresses and and trying different ones on but I could fined anything I liked, I was starting to give up for the day when I suddenly spotted the most beautiful dress across the shop "wait what about that one?" I said pointing to it "let's go take a look" nightmare said walking over to it, we walked into the shop and went to the dress and I fell in love with it the second I see it (again, no clue how to describe this thing so I got a picture lol)

 We spent a few hours walking around looking at different dresses and and trying different ones on but I could fined anything I liked, I was starting to give up for the day when I suddenly spotted the most beautiful dress across the shop "wait wha...

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"Wow this looks amazing! You've got a good eye" fell said admiring the dress "wanna try it on?" Nightmare asked "heck yeah!" I said excitedly. I tried the dress on and it fit perfectly! We bought the dress and headed home, on our way home I just kept thinking about what our wedding day was gonna be like and how amazing it was gonna be 'I cant wait to finally marry horror' I thought to myself, there wasn't a single doubt in my mind that horror was the only person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

Horror pov:

Today me killer and error where going to pick out a suit for me to wear on me and dust wedding and I was really anxious, I'd never really warn a suit before so I was mentally panicking "don't stress horror it'll be fine" error said calmly "yeah! We're gonna have fun! So don't worry bout it" killer said jumping around like usual "and if you do start to panic just remember your doing this for dust" error said, after they helped me calm down and we began to look around the mall for suits, we went to a different mall to dust so we wouldn't accidentally see each others outfits we chose since we wanted it to be a surprise. We kept looking around and it didn't take long for me to fined a suit I really liked (again don't know how to describe so I got a picture 🥲)

 We kept looking around and it didn't take long for me to fined a suit I really liked (again don't know how to describe so I got a picture 🥲)

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It still needed some adjustments so it would fit but once we got all the proper measurements done they said we could pick it up in a few day. When we got home dust still wasn't there, I wasn't surprised I new dresses can be a little more hard to fined than suits, suit come in one main style so there all very similar but dresses have millions of styles so I wasn't expecting dust to fined one he liked right away, I was actually expecting it to take a couple of days before he found one which is why I was shocked when he came home and told me he found one already. The next morning we decided that today we would focus on the wedding cake, we had already new what cake we wanted we just needed to fined a place we could have it made and that didn't take long at all, we found a place that had really good reviews and wasn't too expensive and decided to ask them if they would do a wedding cake for us and they said yes and that was the end of it, really didn't take too long it was only a cake. And this is how the rest of the month went us just planning and buying things and booking stuff, it was a very bussy week but it was for a good course and before I knew it we where getting married the next morning.


So I know it's bad but I'm like 13 and have no clue what a wedding is like 😭 so I did try my best but like I have no clue what I'm doing here, next chapter should be the wedding. also- WE REACHED 200+ VIEWS!!! thank you all so much it really means a lot to me!

(30 December)

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