new year's! (fluff)

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I know it's early but horror said if I didn't write this he would throw his axe at my head to see if I could survive and obviously I couldn't.

Dust pov:

New year's is coming up in 3 days and I want to get horror something as a thank you for everything he's done for me, we made an agreement that we would only get something small for each other on new year's and I think I have the perfect idea, I ordered these matching necklaces, there both pentagrams with a goats head in the middle that slings with the pentagram one has red gems for eyes and the other has purple, I have to go pick them up today at a pagan shop.

Horror pov:

New year's is coming up and I've got dust a really good gift, we both said we would only get something small for each other since I had spent way to much on him this year, I wanted to get something nice for him anyway but he said that if I did that he would get upset because he would feel like his present wouldn't be good enough, after that I realised I should just stick to the deal so I just got him a painting, he always complains about how plain our room and alway was showing me these painting he really wanted so I decided to just get one of those for him, I actually need to go pick it up, I ordered it from a shop where an old friend works since I was more familiar with it, also I wanted to see him since I haven't spoken to him in like a two years.

I teleported outside a shop and walked in "well if it ain't Mr Samuel" the guy behined the counter said "sup Stevie" I said walking over "wow it's been ages since I've seen ya, what can I do for ya?" He asked healing my hand "came to pick up a painting" I said leaning against the desk "oh that beaut! You trying to score a hot date or something?" He said handing me a form I had to fill out "actually its for my fiance on new year's" I said filling it out "wait- fiance! Your kissing?" He said taking the form out of my hand "nope actually I might be in here again in a couple days for our one year anniversary" I said to add on to how obscure it was "who are you and what have you done with horror?" Stevie asked in shock "wow can't believe your getting married, congratulations man!" He said giving me another hand shake "thanks, umm can I still get the painting or?" I said hinting he was dragging things out "oh right! Be right back" he said going out it the back "well well if it ain't horror Samuel" a girl said from the door that lead out back "ugh hello Cathy" I said a little pissed to see her "come to ask for me back yet? We both know you'll never do better" she said walking over to me "in your dreams" I said annoyed "there's no way in hell you came to this shop to buy something so just spit it out already" she said getting to close for comfort "Cathy nock it off! The man came here to buy something for his fiance!" Stevie yelled walking out with my painting "wait- fiance!? Your getting married already!?" She said clearly annoyed "by already you mean two years and yes I am" I said grabbing the giving Stevie the 30 pounds I owed him "to who!?" She yelled "to someone ten times hotter and nicer then you" I said grabbing the painting and leaving "see you round Stevie!" I said before closing the door and teleporting home, now all I have to do is hide the painting till new year's.

Time skip new year's horror pov:

I woke to dust shaking my arm "horror wake up!" Dust said shaking me more "hmm what's up buttercup" I said sitting up a little "it's new year's!" He said hugging me "your never normally this exited for holiday, and you never normally wake up before me, what's going on?" I said looking at him with a confused smile "that the problem! You always wake me up! I wanted to be the one to make you suffer this time" he said crossing his arms "you could never make me suffer dusty" I said kissing him on the head, he blushed a bright purple "shut up" he said crawling onto my lap and snuggling his head into my chest "happy new year's" I said rubbing his back with one hand and using my other hand to support myself "happy new years" he said looking up at me and smiling "now come on I want it give you your gift!" He yelled jumping off me and going over the the cupboard, he grabbed a box and walked back over to me jumping back on my lap "it isn't much but I hope you like it" he said giving me the box, I opened it to see two necklace with goats on them one with purple gems for eyes and the other with red gems for eyes, they where beautiful "I know it's not mu-" before he could finish I kissed him so I didn't have to hear his nonsense "don't be stupid buttercup, there perfect I love them" I said putting the one with reds eyes on and helping dust put the second one on "heh looks good on you" he said kissing me on the cheek "looks better on you" I said stroking his cheek sweetly, "now get off me so I can give you your present!" I said taking my hand away from his cheek "right! Sorry" he said getting off me and sitting on the edge of the bed, I got up and pocked my head under the bed to grab the painting, "mine isn't anywhere near as good as yours but I hope you still like it" I said pulling the painting out and handing it to him, it was 40 cm be 40 cm and had a yellow humming bird sitting on a branch with white/pink flowers around it "omg! I've been asking for this all year! Thank you" he said hugging me tightly "finally this room won't look so bland" I rolled my eyes at his comment "come on lets get dressed and get some food" I said walking over to the cupboard "k".

Time skip dust pov:

Later that day we decided to go for a wonder around the shops to grab some Boba and a few other things we needed. Once we got there horror told me to wait there wile he went to go grab us a Boba "hi" someone said from behined me, I turned around to see a human a little taller then me wearing a black jumper blue shirt and blue jeans "hi?" I said "do I know you?" I asked him "no but you could get to know me" he said with a stupid grin on his face "heh funny" I said looking away "can you at least answer me a question" he said leaning against the wall that was next to us "what?" I said with a bored look on my face "you wanna tell why a pretty thing like you is here all alone" he said as he grin grew "I'm waiting for my fiance" I said sternly making his grin disappear "shit sorry I didn't know" he said looking embarrassed, before I could say anything horror walked over "Stevie the hell are you doing here?" He said to the man "wait horror you know this guy?" I asked "yeah he's a long time friend" horror said passing me my drink "wait- you horrors fiance!?" The guy said in shock "what feel bad you where flirting with you friends future husband?" I said with a smirk "you where what!?" Horror said pissed "I didn't know he was your fiance! If I knew I would have just made friends" he said looking scared "Jesus Christ Stevie you really are an idiot" horror said wile face palming "always have bin always will be!" The man said with pride "come on dust let's go" horror said "can I hang with you guys my friends ditched me" Stevie said a little sad "hmm dust you ok with him joining us?" Horror asked me "yeah sure as long as he stops with his god awful flirting" I said, Stevie looked offended but I didn't care.

We spent the rest of the day hanging out with Stevie and I learnt he wasn't actually that bad a guy, i would never date him even if we where the last people on earth but he was ok as a friend. We spent the day exchanging embarrassing story's about horror wile he yelled at us to stop embarrassing him I found it adorable when horror was mad and some of the stuff Stevie told me was hilarious so I ignored horrors requests for us to stop, but eventually we had to go home so we could spend some of the day with our family. The we spent a few ours chatting and messing around with the others untill it was 11:49 then horror dragged me away from the others and took me somewhere "where do you think your taking me?" I said jokingly "you'll see in a moment" he took me to the roof and sat me down on the edge and sat next to me "ok now what?" O asked confused "just wait" after two minutes suddenly the sky lit up with fire works "happy new year!" Horror yelled hugging me, I'd seen the fireworks before but never from the roof and it was gorgeous "wow it's amazing! How did you know about this spot?" I asked curiously "I normally spend new year's here alone, I've never actually told anyone about it except you" he said rubbing his neck "anything you want for the new year?" Horror asked "a kiss" I said leaning over to him, horror kissed me with his hands around my waist and mine around his neck, we didn't make out it was just a sweet passionate kiss, once parted we just looked into each other's eyes as the fireworks lit up the sky behind us, "I love you" "I love you too".


Aww it's so adorable! Pure old Stevie tho I felt bad just writing about him 😂 hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one

(28 December)

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