Journey's End

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When Archer and Roxeanne came from deeper within the cavern Nadia looked at them. A grin spreading from ear to ear. "What?" Roxy questioned. "You know... Cavern walls echo." Claire said. Roxy just stared. "And what's your point?" she asked again. "The point is we heard you." Marissa said. It took Roxy a moment to process what they were saying. When she finally comprehended it she turned bright red as her dark eyes widened. The entire group started laughing and she quickly hid her face. She couldn't believe they had heard everything. Archer remained as cool as a cucumber. When they were done laughing they pulled her aside and started whispering. "So details." The group pressed. Roxy giggled her face melting to cloud nine again as she recalled it. "Best I ever had. Which I don't get because he told me he was a virgin. But I came with only his fingers and his tongue." She told them. The girls all glanced at each other intrigued. "You didn't go all the way though?" Marissa asked. Roxy huffed in disappointment. "He said if he went there it would be as life mates or whatever. He said he didn't want just a good time he said he wants a lifetime." Roxy replied, Nadia sniffled and they looked at her. "That's just so sweet though..." She responded. "Yeah it's sweet but I don't know if I'm ready for that level of commitment. Even he very openly said I wasn't ready for it. But I thought he was just bragging about the size of his dick." She grumbled and the girls all laughed. "And... The size?" Claired nudged. Roxy frowned "I didn't see it because he didn't strip completely." She continued with a smile then, "But I felt it... And it's exactly what you'd expect from an 8 feet tall alien." The girls all squealed and nudged her suggestively. "Should make the commitment just for that." Marissa teased and Roxy's cheeks turned pink again. "If he is anything like his brother you should attempt with your Blaze." Roxy whispered to Nadia. Nadia turned bright red.

Blaze just stared his brother down with an arched brow. Archer shrugged and spoke in their language, "Don't regret." and Blaze nodded. A little later into the evening Blaze sat down with the skin of the canine beast Nadia had killed. He had the skins of other beasts he and Archer must've killed as well. She scooted over to him. "Whatcha doing, big guy?" she questioned. "Blanket." Nadia smiled. "Can I help?" she asked and Blaze nodded. He lined the skins up and looked at her before asking, "Good?" Nadia tilted her head as she looked at it. "Is what good?" she replied. "The shape of the blanket." he said and she nodded giving him a thumbs up. "Hold here." he said as he pinched two edges of two different skins together. Nadia did as he said and held them together. Meanwhile Blaze pulled out a relatively intimidating looking needle, threading it with some sort of material. It looked thick like their wires, but it was soft. She tilted her head. "What's that?" she asked. "Finely woven human hair." he replied bluntly. Nadia almost regretted asking, but it was fascinating. When it was threaded, he went to work sewing the hides together. The pair repeated the process of Nadia holding the skins while Blaze sewed. "Can I try?" she asked at one point. Blaze nodded and passed her the needle and thread. She took it as he held the skins together now. Following his same technique she attempted to sew them together as well. There was more resistance than she thought though. She couldn't get the needle to go through and she looked at him. "Push harder. Animal skins are much tougher than your human skin. Besides, they can't feel anymore so press with purpose." he instructed. She did as he said and soon enough was able to push through. She grinned and looked at him in excitement. He bowed his head which she knew was their way of respect or praise and approval in some cases.

Now that Nadia had a rhythm, sewing the skins together was easy. She also felt a sense of accomplishment. The largest skin, which was of the beast she had killed, was at the center. Not only had she contributed some of the material, but she was now helping to stitch it up as well. This was also the first time Blaze had let her sit so close to him without her being "in distress" as he always said. He was behind her and sort of leaning over her as he held the skins together, so her back and the front of his torso were touching. Also his arms were pressed against hers so he could guide her hands if needed. Basically he was her oversized silhouette, or perhaps her shawl. She could feel his warmth, steady breathing and strong heartbeat. It was very soothing and calming. The group was watching them. They all agreed they looked like newlyweds on their honeymoon somehow. They also agreed that they shipped it, especially Roxy. Nadia sewed the last stitch and she smiled brightly. "All done." She said proudly. Blaze nodded as he stood. Archer was also standing at this point and Nadia stood with them, confusion written all over her face. Blaze folded and rolled the blanket, but it seemed to be in a particular almost ceremonial way. After he was done, he presented it to her. She reached out and took it from his dark and clawed hands. Once she had taken it, or rather accepted it? Archer and Blaze both bowed their heads. This time she knew for sure it was respect and acknowledgment. She smiled at them and slightly dipped her head as well. She wasn't sure what it meant to them, but their eyes seemed to light up at the gesture.

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