Making Camp

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Some of the group almost threw up when Archer pulled a knife and began using it to cut off the Alpha's head. Meanwhile Blaze disappeared into the woods. When he returned one arm was holding a large tree branch on his shoulder, and tucked under his other arm was what seemed to be smaller limbs, sticks and leaves. He disappeared again and this time when he came back he had an arm full of rocks. "What exactly is going on here?" Claire whispered to Roxy. Archer looked at her, and Claire froze. "Dinner." he said bluntly, and then proceeded to skin the dead creature. While he did that, Blaze used the rocks to build a fire pit. Using the branch and smaller branches he also built a cooking spit, tying everything together using some sort of wire. Lastly he built the fire. Archer skewered the Alpha and together they put it over the fire. Marissa leaned to Roxy. "Is now a good time to tell them I'm a vegetarian...?" she whispered. But they both whipped their heads her direction. She let out a surprised squeak and hid behind Roxy. Blaze growled standing up, and began to disappear into the forest once again. Nadia hopped up and followed him this time.

Nadia hadn't ever heard Blaze make so many annoyed clicks before. It was fantastic, only adding to her desire to pester him more. It sounded a lot like a very sassy woodpecker, and it was never not amusing. A wiser person probably wouldn't push so many buttons on a Yautja. Nadia never claimed to be wise though. Besides that, she felt comfortable with him. She was sure he and Archer both by now wanted to kill the entire group, but they were very strict about sticking to their honor code she'd noticed. As big and scary as they were, as ruthless, they were still much more trustworthy than the military they had come with. "Come on, Big Guy. Either you take the mask off or you talk. It's one or the other." She said in amusement. She had followed him into the woods and found out he was actually gathering various fruits and other vegetation. Probably for Marissa. So again they may be huge, scary and ruthless but when tasked with taking care of something or in this case a group of someone's they did a thorough job. "I will keep annoying you until you pick one or the other." She said still grinning. When he didn't respond or take off the mask she proceeded to sing obnoxiously. "I'm Henry the eighth I am. Henry the eighth I am, I am. I got married to the widow next door. She's been married seven times before. And every one was an Henry. HENRY! She wouldn't have a Willy or a Sam. NO SAM. I'm her eighth old man, I'm Henry. Henry the eighth I am. Second verse same as the first..." and she continued to repeat those same lyrics until finally Blaze whipped around, his locks arching behind him and cascading down his shoulders, as he roared just inches from her face again. Nadia just smirked.

"So what's it gonna be? Mask or speech?" she asked. Blaze gave her even more annoyed, clicking growls. "I will not reveal my face again. The one thing more vexing than you is the one that screams and passes out all the time." Blaze said. His voice was even deeper than Archer's, and had just the most subtle of growls reverberating through it. It made Nadia go wide-eyed and shiver. Then she squealed and bounced up and down in excitement. Blaze just stared at her. She wasn't sure of his expression because of the damn mask. She walked beside him. "So, now that you finally talk. What is your real name? I can just continue to call you Big Guy and Blaze too though." She said. Blaze clicked. "Zgură." he said simply. Nadia smiled. She had no idea what it meant but it somehow fit. "And then the grey and blue one? What's his name?" Nadia asked. Blaze clicked again, "Gheaţă." Nadia nodded in response. "And you are brothers? By blood or is that just what you call comrades?" She questioned more. "Blood." he said. He definitely wasn't much of a conversationalist even when he did speak. Nadia just smiled, "He is older or younger than you?" "Older." Nadia nodded, "By how much?" Blaze, or Zgură as he said tilted his head for a moment. "One year." Nadia couldn't help but giggle at how short his answers were. Earning her a clicking growl.

The pair got back to the camp in a bit. Zgură started to approach Marissa. But this time she hid behind one of the males. He growled in annoyance. Seriously she was so weak and cowardly he really couldn't stand it. He handed the food to Nadia and then went to Gheaţă. Gheaţă was currently rotating the alpha on the spit. Truth be told they preferred their meat raw. But they knew the humans were so feeble they'd get sick from it. When Archer was sure it was thoroughly cooked he just motioned with his head for the humans to come get some. Nadia of course was the first to volunteer, the rest just stayed seated and wary. A roar from Blaze was all it took for the rest to quickly jump up and get in line. Earning themselves a clicking growl. It was one of their gentler sounds, and with as often as they used it it had a variety of meanings evidently. So far Nadia had observed it being used for an alert, approval, satisfaction, and excitement or anticipation. She was sure there were other not so good meanings to it too though.

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