2341 - 2350

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2341. There's a place called Left Hand. It's in West Virginia.

2342. Lefties are more likely to stutter and be schizophrenic.

2343. According to tradition, an itchy left hand indicates you will lose money. An itchy right hand indicates you will receive money.

2344. Left-handers are prone to have negative emotions.

2345. Those who use their left–hand more are likely to be inclined towards alcohol due to low tolerance level to the right side of the brain.

2346. Left-handers are more likely to be dyslexic and to stutter.

2347. Twins are more likely to be left-handed.

2348. Left-handedness lets you stand out.

2349. Although approximately 90% of all humans are right-handed, cats, rats, and mice that show handedness seem to be equally split between right- and left-pawedness.

2350. Between 10-12% of people on earth are lefties.

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