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It's true what they say about love, 'when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love'.

It's been a month since Harry found out about Louis and Eleanor's relationship and to say that this has been a Hell would really be an understatement tbh.

Harry wasn't ready to face the reality. He hated it..every single second of it. It was really hard for him to witness his Louis snuggling with someone that's not 'Harry'.

He was mad at himself, how could he be so blind... Why he hasn't noticed this before. Louis always had a different kind of hold on him.

Maybe his friends were right. In some kind of way Harry was actually a little obssesed with Louis?? Like yeah, he used to think about him 24x7 but that's just because he wanted to think of good replies and comments to give him back on his sassy behaviour but maybe he actually kinda enjoyed all those fights they used to have.

Whenever Harry wasn't around with the group Louis always use to nag everyone asking the whereabouts of Him. Even though, that was just so he can mock or tease harry when he sees him but still it was maybe kinda cute, Louis, thinking about Harry this much.

Harry always felt like Louis was 'his person'. obviously not in a romantic way but like when ever they're together they were always taking to each other, well more like annoying one another but yeah. And when they weren't together they were always in their head making plans to get back at the other one. thinking about different pranks to tease each other.
It was kinda like their 'thing' and harry really misses that.

Louis actually tried to talk to H a couple of times but Harry always runs away from him without even making eye contact with the other boy. He knows that this is weird and it wasn't Louis's fault that he didn't like him like that , well, harry didn't even know this himself a month ago. but now, watching Louis with that witch* Eleanor, It was painful. harry had to collect the pieces of his broken heart everyday, only to let them get shattered once again the next day.

Yes Harry already knew about how beautiful Louis is from the first day he had layed eyes on him. But after that day in the enchanted garden something happened.

Harry saw Him... Not the person who's stubborn, arrogant, selfish, who's always trying to show everyone that he's superior and stronger than everyone else, who always tries to act tough around other people...but that day he saw the real Lou.

He was different.. he was kind and sweet...a-and vulnerable.
Most of all he was happy...it felt like, all this time Louis was pretending to be someone that isn't him but when he was around harry he was himself again, like he was free from some kind of captivity.

Harry felt like he was the only person who actually know the real Louis but guess this was just too good to be true.


[ A few days later]

*Harry's POV*

So wassup Ni, why did you summon us all here?

Niall replied, "just wait for everyone else to come then I'll tell ya".

'Ughhh'..I groan cause I knew that everyone means Louis is going to be here and also his witchy* girlfriend's gonna be here too.

Me, Niall, ziam ( obviously cause it was just stupid at this point to say their names seperately.. they are practically like one soul in two bodies.. inseperable tbh). We were all sitting in the Hufflepuff's common room, well cause that house is just filled with. The most sweetest and kindest people I've ever know, they don't mind us spending long late nights at their place so we usually hang out there most of the time.

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