Campfire Speculation

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We set up camp beside a dense thicket of trees. Ake got a fire burning right away while I helped Gunny put up the tents. Bolthur essentially did nothing, aside from pace back and forth and criticize how we were setting up the tents.

"You haven't even hammered the peg in properly, water jotun. Haven't you ever erected a tent before?"

The way he said that last bit made my cheeks burn. I was pretty sure his question had a double meaning, the way he smirked, the tone he used.

Ake straightened up, the fire at his feet now blazing. "If you set up tents as fast as you talked, Bolthur, our camp would be done by now."

Bolthur's face went dark, and beside me, Gunny snorted in amusement. I turned away to hide my smile.

"No matter, you can start our dinner," Ake said.

"Fine." Bolthur stalked away towards the horses, moving to unload the saddle bags, cutlery clanking as he threw it down into the snow.

"He gets grumpy after a few hours of riding," Gunny whispered. "I mean, more so than usual."

"Just seems like his usual attitude to me," I muttered.

We laid out our bedrolls inside the tent and then retreated to the campfire, sitting across from Ake, who was watching Bolthur poke bad-temperedly at a cast iron pot hanging over the fire.

It was starting to get dark, and Gunny squinted at me from across the fire. "You cold, girly?"

I hadn't realized it, but I was rubbing my arms, even through the thick sweater Ake had given me. Goosebumps prickled my skin. "A bit," I said it reluctantly.

Bolthur started ladling stew into the wooden bowls, glancing sideways at me as he did. "So your fancy new water powers make you weak then."

As much as I wanted to turn and knock the bowl of soup right into his smug face, I made myself smile at him, bearing my teeth. "Sure, weak. Do you know you have less water in your body than everyone else?" I gestured around at the others. "You should drink more, Bolthur."

He scowled. "That's creepy. Keep that to yourself."

I shrugged, and then nodded my thanks to Ake when he reached over the fire and handed me a bowl of soup. It was hearty fare, with chunks of meat and vegetables.

"We should turn in early." Ake spoke around a mouthful of stew. "We've got a long journey ahead of us tomorrow. Full day of travel."

"So what happens after we get there?" The spoon scraped the bottom of the bowl and I set it down on the snow. "How does an audience work?"

Already, butterflies were starting in my stomach. Just the thought of it was making me nervous.

Ake sat back and folded his arms over his chest. "You'll be escorted to the audience chamber and go in front of both of them at the same time. Since it's a potential threat, you'll be in one of the first groups to see them tomorrow."

"First groups?" I frowned. "It's not urgent enough for them?"

"You think you're the only one who claims they've got secret knowledge about a threat to the kingdom?" Bolthur scoffed. "Please. There's threats all the time. Crazy people come to the palace in droves."

"I'm not crazy." I scowled at him. "You saw what I can do. You think I was born like that?"

"You're a genetic freak, as far as I'm concerned." Bolthur shrugged. "And a liar who loves attention."

A wave of sheer anger made my pulse pick up, and I ground my teeth together, forcing myself not to reply. Ake cleared his throat.

"That's enough. Let's turn in for the night before she rips the water straight out of your body." He stood up and tossed his bowl down by the fire. "And before I let her."

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