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me and eds went back to my house so we could set up some snacks. My parents would be back in only 2 days from their "week" long business trip. yeah long story short I haven't seen them for 2 months. I didnt mind not seeing them though as when they were here which was rarely, all they did was act like i didnt exist. but anyways, i still wanted to keep the house CLEAN incase the trip didnt get extended. if i kept the house clean that would surely save me a thorough beating from my dad.

Anyways, at about 5:30 my doorbell rang. me and eddie were cuddling on the couch and we weren't expecting anyone for 30 more minutes. I slowly remove eddie from my grasp and get up slowly. I walk to my door, still stretching out my legs on the way to the door. I opened the door ajar (idk if thats the correct usage im tired ok so dont correct me) When i saw a short bob full of dark blonde/ginger/light brown (IDK WHAT HER HAIR COLOR IT) i automatically knew it was my bestfriend. SHe smiled and began to talk bult i shushed her. She looked stunned but i grabbed her wrist and lightly ushered her inside. i closed the door behind her without making any noise and then told her to follow me. When i reached the first step I heard eddie yell tiredly, "Who is it, stevie?" My heartbeat quickens. "Its robin but uh, im just gonna let her borrow a shirt since hers is uncomfy." Eddie mumbles a quick 'ok' and i quickly make robin go up the stairs to my room. She looks absolutely flabbergasted. I put us in my bedroom and close the door behind us. Oncce the door is closed Robins eyes widens and she inhales deeply, basically her own way of telling me shes gonna ramble. "steve.. why is eddie munson in your house, why were you in his, is this about the bet, also sorry about forcing u to host dustin told me to do everything, alsoo i decided to come early because i just couldnt wait to ask WHY ARE YOU AND EDDIE HANGING OUT?" I sigh and sit on my bed. Robin sits next to me and cups my hand with hers. "I-" I can feel tears boiling in my throat, "I think im inlove with him, robin." Robins eyes widen slightly but then she pulls me into a hug. She rests her chin on the back of my neck as i silently sob into her shirt. "Steve, are you gay?" Robin whispers quietly. "I think so robin.." I hiccup. Robin mumbles a "Thats ok steve. youre valid." I can feel my inner child being healed in that moment. "Also me and eddie are like kinda dating?" I say after a few seconds of silence. Robin removes her chin from my neck. She cups my cheek and forces me to look her in the eyes. "I guess you win.. ill pay you later.." She sighs as a small smirk makes its way to her face. "Wait can you not like EVER mention the bet? I dont want eddie to think were dating because of a bet.." I ask warily. Robin smiles. "Duh..  but you know i have a big mouth." Robin says trying to lighten the mood despite the fact she was telling the truth. I gulped. This stupid bet will end my relationship one day..

the door bell rang once. After barely a second it rang again, then again and again until  there wasnt even gaps in between. I rolled my eyes and the kiddos and removed myself from robins hug. Shirts are in the closet if you dont wanna wear my tears all day. robin smiles and i wink as she goes to change her shirt. I run down the stairs and go to open the door before i realize eddie has already gotten there. All of the kids were here. Eleven, max, will, mike, dustin duh, lucas, and even erica. Nancy, argyle, and jonathan were also awkwardly standing behind them. I smile awkwardly. "Lots of people." I chuckle. Jonathan smiles back and replies, "I wasn't planning on coming but i had to drive will anyways."  I lead everyone down to my basement ordering everyone to stay down their the whole night unless I say so. Dustin has a few snarky remarks about my 1 rule so i call him a spoiled brat

i completed the challenge but now im going to sleep fr now bye gn/gm

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