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When we pulled in my drive way i noticed Eddie was zoned out, deep in thought. "Whats up man, you good?" I ask. he flinches and then looks down at his hands chuckling to himself. "yeah just, if you told me 3 days ago I'd be at King Steve's house after he treated me to a dinner I would've laughed in your face." Eddie laughs. I laugh too. "If you told me three days ago i'd take you out to dinner I too, would've laughed in your face." Eddie chuckles. "I thought you were a total asshole. And- i guess your only a little bit of an asshole." I laugh. "A little, thanks..." I turn off the engine and let Eddie out of my car. I fetch my keys from my pocket and unlock my door. "Y'know  I like to say ive changed since senior year." I say while walking into my house, the familiar smell of rich soapy air freshener filling my nostrils. "Based off of tonight. you seem like someone I'd be friends with. And im not friends with a lot of people." Eddie chuckles. I smile. "So does that mean im your friend?" I ask, hoping with every bone in my body he says yes. "Sure. Its a little fast paced, but hey. I'm a fan of fast pacing." Eddie winks. "I am too." i say, my earlier statement talking about love at first sight flooding my mind. Im tempted to say, 'hey i mean i did fall in-love with you withing basically 1 day, came to terms with my bisexual-ness, and became friends with you, so you could say I LOVE fast pacing. But i resist.

I get Eddie another cup of water and some crackers after him hinting he was a little hungry. I could tell he was embarrassed to be eating right after a big meal as its considered impolite but i truly didn't mind. I offered him some of my shorts and a sleep shirt to get him out of his "fancy clothes" and he excepted gracefully. He went to my bathroom to change and when he came out I noticed all the clothes were baggy on him. My shirt was down to just before his elbows despite it being a t-shirt and the shorts hovering his knee caps. I chuckled. (ik steve is only an inch taller but let me happy) Eddie was visibly flustered but giggled along with me.  

"You can sleep in the guest room next to my room, kay?" I say as I gather my pajamas from my closet. Eddie clears his throat which makes me glance at him through the side of my eye. "Do you mind me uh.." I raise an eyebrow as eddie itches the back of his ear and glances everywhere except my eyes. "Sleeping in your room." I raise my eyebrow more in surprise. "i mean- if your comfortable!" he squeaks in return to my manners. "No no i am comfortable. On my bed or..." I ask begging for it to be bed with my eyes. "Whatever your fine with." Eddie says, his voice cracking mid-sentence in embarrassment. "I dont want you being uncomfy so you can sleep with me." i say, nonchalantly. Eddie smiles. "thanks its just, umm this is embarrassing but nightmares." I smile, happy he would trust me with such detail. "Its fine. really. I get nightmares sometimes too, had to sleep with a stuffed animal until graduation to calm them down." I chuckle. Eddie throws his eyebrow up in curiosity. "What happened to your stuffed animal. Why dont you still sleep with him?" eddie questions, trying to ask as much as possible ithout overstepping. "Uhh my mom threw him out because she thought it was babyish." The memory of my mom digging under my bed while cleaning and pulling out a roughed up fog stuffed animal then groaning in disgust yelling at me calling me a "f slur" (im not comfotable saying the word but yk what i mean) and a "baby" before tossing him in the trash before the garbage truck came and picked it up. My eyes began to water but I blinked rapidly to push them back so they dont fall out. Eddie could see my sadness and walked over  to put his hand on my shoulder. "Did you ever.. find him? Why did your mom think it was babyish also, stuffed animals are hardcore?" Eddie says, trying his very hardest to not overstep but still failing. I didnt care though and I felt as if I could trust him. "the garbage tuck took him. But yeah my mom has never really.. liked me so really anything i do erks her." I try to chuckle but i could feel my jaw tighten up. "haha i'm getting emotional," i wipe a tear, "Sorry. I better get changed now." Eddie went to say something but i ran into my bathroom, embarrassed. 

I went to the bathroom and changed into some plack sweatpants and didnt put on a shirt because of the heat in my room. I walked back out to see eddie sitting on my bed awkwardly fiddling with his hands. he looked up with surprise, "hey! what side you want." i could see him trying his hardest to not mention the stuffed animal despite his curiosity or look at my bare chest. "whatever side is fine." I say blandly. Eddie nods his head in agreement and get sunder the covers on the right side. I climbed into the left side and turned off my bedside lamp. "hey sorry for like kinda freaking out earlier. im just a little sensitive." i said turning to face eddie. Eddie turned to me, our faces barely inches apart. So close his breath lingered over my nose with each breath he took. "Its fine." He says with a smile. Our eyes locked. I inched my face closer to him, my eyes glancing down to his soft, semi-chapped lips. His were down at mine and suddenly it just felt right. I went to lean in, my eyes closing lightly. Eddie mimicked my action until our lips collided. 

Suddenly I pulled away and turned away from him. He remained how he was before turning to lie on his back. He looked so confused but... pleased? "Im so sorry eddie. I know youre not gay i dont know what got into me. we met like today and no offense but thats way to fast for a relationship! Im so sorry again." Eddie placed his hand softly on my shoulder. "Steve.." Eddie mumbled. I turned back around and looked eddie in the eyes. the light from the lamp made all the perfections on his face glimmer. he leaned back in for the kiss and once again our lips connected. My eyes closed to mirror his shut eyes. he let go slowly after a few seconds and smiled. "I didnt say i wasnt gay but i did say i love fast-paced relationships." He winks making my face light up like a red Christmas light. I turn to lie on my back and so does eddie returning to his original position. My hands searched around under the blanket but once i found his they connected just like our lips.

I didnt care about the bet anymore. fuck "proving to robin i could pull eddie". I mean i never thought this would happen but I love Eddie. Steve Harrington has the hots for Eddie the freak munson. And Steve is happy for the first time in his life. Steve is happy with eddie.

but, what if eddie finds out the only reason i took him out was for the bet. i mean it wasnt the reason I kissed him but without the bet we wouldn't of made up or even "met" for that matter

oh please... // steddieWhere stories live. Discover now