The Beginning of the End

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(Three Years Later)

Marcel lied on his side in bed as he looked over at Chloe lying across from him. Chloe rolled over and looked back at Marcel, "Exactly how many times have I told you not to stare at me in my sleep," Chloe asked with a smile.

Marcel smiled back, "Just about everyday since we've been married".

"Yeah and how many times have you done it," she asked. Marcel rolled over to his back facing away from Chloe and replied, "Just about every day since we've been married".

Chloe turned Marcel so he would be facing her again, "Oh don't turn away now," she said and kissed him.

"See you're always starting stuff you can't finish,"Marcel laughed and climbed on top of her kissing up and down her neck, "Ok, you're right because now I have to go," Chloe said through her laughs. Marcel kept going, "And where are you going, baby," he asked. "I have to go see Davina, I promised her we would spend the day together, you know hang out, teach her a couple spells," Chloe said.

Marcel groaned but kept still kept going, "Or you could stay here and see Davina tomorrow," he replied and started kissing up chloe's ear. "As much as I would love to," Chloe paused and tilted her head back, "as much as I would love to stay, I really have to go babe,". Chloe whispered a small spell and Marcel flew off of her and hit the wall on the other side of the bed.

Marcel got back up and walked to his closet, "That was, low even for you," he said as he walked away.

Chloe got dressed, grabbed her bag and headed for the door, "I'll see you tonight, and maybe i'll let you finish what you started," she smirked. Marcel walked over and kissed her cheek before she headed out the door.


"D, you up here?" Chloe asked as she climbed up to the attic of St.Annes. "When am I not," Davina responded. Chloe grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the ladder, "Well today we're going out," Chloe smilied as she led her back down the ladder.

Davina paused when they got to the bottom, "Wait no Marcel will kill us," she worried. Chloe rolled her eyes, "I can handle Marcel, and one day isn't gonna kill us, cmon," she replied.

"Fine," Davina said as she made out for the exit.


Davina and Chloe walked up to Rosseau's, but before they walked in Chloe turned to her and said, "Ok, if anyone asks any questions you let me do the talking, got it,?" she asked. Davina nodded her head and the walked in the bar.

Josh noticed them as soon as they walked into the door and raced over to them. "Um aren't you like, not supposed to be here," he whispered to them. "We are having a girls day," Chloe replied, "You tell Marcel, and your dead, you got me Josh?" she finished. Josh nodded his head, "Yeah, yeah I understand definitely Chloe".

"I'll take a margarita and could you make her a Shirley Temple," Chloe called out to Josh.

"Ok so what else are we doing today," Davina asked. Chloe turned from Josh back to Davina and started walking over to an open table, "Well once we leave here I was thinking we could head to Marcel and I's and do some spells, then whatever you want," Chloe responded.

"Chloe as much as I would love to, you know i'm not supposed to be doing magic," Davina hung her head low. Chloe grabbed Davinas hands across the table, "Oh cmon D, you do magic all the time, there's nothing you can hide from me," she replied. Davina smilied, "Ok maybe I could do a little".

"One margarita and one Shirley Temple," a voice came up behind them. A pretty blonde, brown streaks, cute apron, with bright green eyes, "Hey, you must be Camille," Chloe stuck her hand out, "Josh has told me all about you".

Cami put out her hand to Chloe and shook her hand, "And I guess that would make you Chloe Gerard, i've heard a couple things here and there about you, and you can call me Cami," the blonde responded.

"Well then I am looking forward too getting to know you Cami," Chloe said taking the drinks off Cami's tray for her.

Chloe and Davina hung out, talked and had some drinks, before going back to the quarter, they did spells for a couple hours before Chloe heard her phone ring, "Hello," she answered.

"Hey Chlo," Bonnie said on the other end of the phone.

Chloe's face formed a concerned look, and Davin definitely noticed, "Hey Bon, not saying I don't love a call from my little sis, but it's getting a bit late for a checkup call, what's up?" Chloe asked.

Bonnie took a deep breath before asking her sister for the favor of a lifetime, "Chlo, we need you to come to Mystic Falls".

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