Chapter 18

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" The Lord of Silver Fountains, the King of Carven Stone, the King Beneath the Mountain, shall come into his own. And the bells shall ring in gladness, at the Mountain King's return, But all shall fail in sadness, and the Lake will shine and burn."


The guards led us to a ruler who didn't appear to be a ruler at all. He was fat and he had an ugly face, just like all Alfrid, who turned out to be the right hand of the ruler. Except that Alfrid was thinner. At first glance, it was noticeable that they only care about themselves and possibly their money.

"What's the meaning of this? " asked the fat ruler.

"We caught them stealing weapons, sire. " Guard replied, who had wanted to cut my throat a few moments earlier.

"A desperate bunch of mercenaries, if ever these were, sire. " Alfrid said.

"Hold your tongue! "Dwalin interrupted him. "You don't know to whom you speak. This is no common criminal. This is Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror! " He said.

Oakenshield stepped forward.

"We're the dwarves of Erebor. " Thorin said, and people started talking to each other.

I glanced at Kili. I took him by the arm so that he wouldn't fall down, because from second to second he looked worse and worse.

"We have come to reclaim our homeland." Thorin continued. "I remember this town in the great days of old. Fleets of boats lay at harbor filled with silks and fine gems. This was no forsaken town on a lake. This was the center of all trade in the North! I would see those days return. " He said. " I would relight the great forges of the dwarves and send wealth and riches flowing once more from the Halls of Erebor! "

I knew Thorin would keep his word. He always followed suit and was always reliable.

"Death! " Someone shouted from the crowd, and it took me a moment to realize that it was a Bard. "That's what you'll bring upon us! Dragon fire and ruin. If you waken that beast it'll destroy us all. "

"You can listen to this naysayer, but I promise you this..." Thorin continued, you can see that he noticed the fear in all these people's eyes. "If we succeed... All will share in the wealth of the mountain. You'll have enough gold to rebild Esgaroth ten times over! "

I smiled at Thorin. He did a great job. The only question is what their ruler would say.

"Why sould we take you at your word? " Alfrid cut off his cheering. "We know nothing about you. Who here can vouch for your character? "

There was silence. I wanted to vouch for the Oakenshield, but someone much better than me did. Our burglar, Bilbo Baggins.

"Me. " He said, and everyone else looked at him. "I'll vouch for him. I've traveled far with these dwarves through great danger and if Thorin Oakeshield gives his word... Then he'll keep it. " Added, and Thorin gave him a grateful smile.

I glanced at our hobbit and nodded at him to indicate that he had done a great job.

"All of you! Listen to me! " Bard exclaimed as the cheers began again. "You must listen! Have you forgotten what happened to Dale? Have you forgotten those who died in the firestorm?! And for what purpose? " He looked malevolently at the Oak Shield. "The blind ambition of a Mountain King. So riven by greed, he couldn't see beyond his own desire!"

I wanted to go to the front, but Kili stopped me with a single move of his hand. I looked at him and he just nodded his head in disagreement.

"Now, now! " Ruler called. "We must not, any of us be too quick to lay blame. Let us not forget that it was Girion, lord of Dale, your ancestor... " He pointed at Bard. "Who failed to kill the beast! " He added, and he almost laughed.

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