Chapter 61

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Author's note- Final chapter! If you guys have made it so far... Thank you! It means so much to me ❤️. You all took out time from your busy schedules to read this story of mine!

A couple of things I wanted to clarify before you read further-

1. I had always planned to end the story at this point. I know some of you may be disappointed that I am not continuing the awesome foursome story further, but the truth is I as a writer have to decide to end the story at some point and this seems like a good point.

2. If the story suddenly feels like it has "picked up pace" it is only because I have made the chapters longer and not because I am in a rush to end this story (I am just in a rush to put out the updates but because of how long I have made you guys wait for updates). The arc was always meant to be this way.

That being said.... my final adios to this story and the characters. I hope this chapter does justice to your expectations and if not I promise to do better in the next story when I write it.

Thank you again for your love!!!

The chapter is not edited

3 1/2 years later

Rudra strummed his fingers against the steering wheel of his car as he waited for Soumya outside the NGO she worked at.

Initially, after completing her post-graduation and becoming a pediatrician, Soumya joined We Care and worked there for an entire year before she broached the topic of getting employment at an NGO that worked with women and children who were rescued from abusive situations. Soumya was their on-site doctor.  The NGO provided them with a temporary haven while they got ready to get back into the world again. Since the NGO had various locations in and around the city, Soumya was always busy. Even though the pay was comparably less with not as much opportunity to grow vertically in her career, Rudra could tell she was content with her decision, so he hadn't asked her to reconsider her decision ever since.

He checked his watch again. 6:30. They were going to be late for the dinner with one of the surgeons visiting from London if they didn't leave soon. He tried Soumya's phone again, but she didn't answer again. With a sigh, he got out of the vehicle and jogged up the stairs to check on Soumya.

“Good evening, Mrs. Patel,” Rudra politely greeted the woman behind the desk.

“Good evening, Dr. Rudra,” she said as she stood, stroking her pregnant belly. “How are you?”

“I am doing good. Could you please ping Soumya for me if she isn’t occupied at the moment? I am here to pick her up.”

“Of course,” Mrs. Patel nodded and picked up the intercom to request Soumya's presence at the front desk. “Hopefully she'll be down shortly. If you like you can have a seat.” She pointed at the benches behind him.

Rudra smiled and nodded before walking over and taking a seat trying to not get frustrated with Soumya. She was always getting mad at him for overworking but for the past two weeks, he had barely seen her.

It had been nearly 20 minutes and Rudra walked up to the receptionist when the double doors to his left opened. An employee with a wailing baby in her arms approached them. “Is Dr. Soumya here still?” the employee asked almost shouting to have herself heard over the cries.

“He is crying again?” Mrs. Patel frowned. “I really hope my baby is not like him.”

Rudra frowned at her statement. It was so unfair that people got upset when babies cried. How else were they supposed to emote?

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