The Sauna Test Part 2

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The trap was finally set up causing all of the kids to get into their positions. The boys started to bang on the equipment causing Billy to stop getting dressed and state, "The pool's closed".

Lucas started to bang on the lockers once more causing Billy to yell out, "Hey! Do you hear me?". "Pool is closed", Billy shouted walking towards the door only to find that he is locked in the locker room.

"Billy!", Mike yelled out. "Who's there?", Billy asked into the air. "Billy!", Mike yelled out again in a condescending tone. "Who's there?", Billy questioned angrily causing the kids to giggle loudly.

"Billy!", Mike yelled out again. "You think this is funny, huh?", Billy asked while continuing his walk to the back of the locker room following Mike's voice.

"Billy! Come and find me", Mike stated while laughing. "I find you, it is your funeral", Billy said. "Come and get me. Come on!", Mike shouted while shutting the door to the gym room.

Billy quickly walked into the gym before seeing "Mike" sitting in the sauna. "Got you", Billy said smiling. Billy starts to laugh while moving forwards while Mike stated, "Come and get me, you piece of shit".

Billy opened the door to the sauna to see a dummy. He walked in angrily and lifted the dummy up by its neck. "Hey. Behind you", Mike said through the radio.

"Hi", Eleven said before throwing Billy back into the wall. "Now!", Mike stated before the group ran out of the small closet they all crammed in to. Eleven shut the door before Mike puts the pipe in the door handle. Will quickly wraps the chain around the handle of the door.

"Come on", Mike stated. "Got it", Lucas answered as the boys walked back to stand with the girls. Maddie quickly set her bag down next to her before standing next to Max.

Billy starts pounding on the door before looking at the group. "Addie, Max", Billy said causing Maddie to slowly look up at him, making eye contact, for the first time today. "Do it", Max stated causing Will to run and switch the sauna on.

"Max! Addie! Let me out of here! Let me out!", Billy yells at the girls while pounding on the door. "You kids. You think this is funny? You kids think this is some kind of sick prank, huh? You little shits think this is funny? What is this?", Billy questioned while spitting on the glass.

Max looked towards Will while Maddie shared a quick glance with Eleven. "Open the door. Open the door! Open the door! Open the goddamn door!", Billy screams out.

"We're at 220", Will said looking at the temperature scale. Out of nowhere, Billy starts sobbing on the ground. "It's not my fault", Billy stated still sobbing causing Maddie and Max to approach the sauna.

"It's not my fault Addie. I promise you, it's not my fault. Max, I promise", Billy said. "What's not your fault Billy?", Max asked him. "I've done things, Max. Really... bad things. I didn't mean to", Billy answered.

"He made me do it, Addie", Billy said causing Maddie's eyes to water. "Who made you do it?", Max questioned. "I don't know, it's like a shadow. Like a giant shadow. Please, Addie, Max", Billy sobbed out.

"What did he make you do?", Max asked. "It's not my fault, okay? Addie, please. Please, believe me, Addie, Max, it's not my fault. I tried to stop him, okay? I did. Please believe me, Addie. Please believe me", Billy cried out while resting his head against the bench.

"Billy, it's gonna be okay", Max stated while crying. "Addie, please", Billy said. "Bills, it's gonna be okay", Maddie stated while her voice broke. "We want to help you. You just have to talk to us, okay? You have to talk to us", Max said.

"We believe you, Bills", Maddie stated with a sad smile. "We'll figure it out together, okay?", Max asked. "We need you to trust us. Please", Maddie stated.

"Maddie, Max, get away from the door", Mike said quickly. "What?", Max questioned. "Get away from the door", Mike yelled at the girls right as Billy broke through the glass of the sauna causing the girls to scream.

"Let me out, you bitch! Let me out!", Billy yelled looking directly at Maddie, causing her to gasp while shoving Max behind her. "I'll fucking gut you!", Billy shouted looking at Max.

Billy starts to break out of the sauna causing Lucas to step forward. "Let me out!", Billy screams causing Lucas to shoot him in the head with his wrist rocket. Max and Maddie quickly ran to the group. Maddie went digging in her bag before standing in front of the kids.

The lights started to flicker, while Billy tried to get up from the floor of the sauna. Billy's veins started to turn black before he attempted to bust through the chained door. Maddie quickly pushed all of the snooping kids behind her.

"He can't get out, can he?", Max asked nervously. "No way", Lucas stated. Billy almost got the door open causing Maddie to slightly step forward while she raised her hand. In her hand, was her gun which was now pointed at the sauna door. 

Billy quickly broke out of the sauna while Maddie aimed her gun at him with shaky hands and tears running down her face. Before Maddie had to fire her gun at the person she loves, Billy was thrown into the wall with a weight against his chest.

Maddie quickly gasped before turning towards Eleven who was using her magic to choke Billy. Lucas pulled Max closer to himself while Mike and Will pulled Maddie out of Eleven's way.

Soon after Eleven pinned Billy to the wall, Billy was fighting off Eleven. Eleven used all of her power to hold Billy before he threw the weight at her causing her to drop to the floor.

Billy made eye contact with Maddie with a smile before grabbing Eleven and placing her into a choke-hold. Maddie raised her gun again getting ready to fire while bawling her eyes out, before Mike hit him with a pipe.

Before Billy could hit Mike, Eleven used all of her leftover power to throw Billy into the wall opposite of her. Eleven then fell into Mike's arms, drained from the amount of power she had to use. Because of the power of the throw, Billy went through the wall.

Maddie quickly approached the broken wall before looking out with her gun still in her hand. She saw Billy get up with a little bit of difficulty before running into the woods. Maddie's whole body was shaking and her sobs never ended. Maddie quickly dropped her gun before collapsing onto the ground. She covered her mouth with her hand while she sobbed.

Will quickly dropped down and wrapped his arms around his crying sister causing her to squeeze him back tightly, while burying her head into his neck. Soon enough Max and the rest of the kids joined the hug knowing that this battle was not over.

A/N: Not going to lie, I kinda cried while writing this chapter. Please feel free to comment, I would love to hear your opinions! As always I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote. Love from the author, over and out!

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